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 Знайдено в інших БД:Книжкові видання та компакт-диски (104)Журнали та продовжувані видання (1)Автореферати дисертацій (21)
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Приседский В. В. <$Ebold {p ( roman O sub 2 )}> - T разрез фазовой диаграммы купрата бария-лантана <$E bold {roman {LaBa sub 2 Cu sub 3 O} sub x}>. — 2002 // Укр. хим. журн.

Maleki M. A facile route for preparation of CdS nanoparticles // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2007. - 10, № 1.

Tupitsyna I. A. Abnormal enhancement of light output by cation mixing in ZnxMg1-xWO4 nanocrystals // Functional Materials. - 2017. - 24, № 1.

Abdelhakim Mahdjoub An original way to obtain porous Zn(1-x)MgxO thin films by spray pyrolysis technique // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2017. - 20, № 1.

Nemykin V. N. Assessing of the mixed-valence states in zinc meso-ferrocenylporphyrin: experimental and theoretical data. — 2005 // Укр. хим. журн.

Pravdivy M. M. Average resonance parameters of <$E bold {nothing sup 106,108 roman Cd}> isotopes. — 2006 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Bulgakova A. V. Characteristics of cadmium ion sorption from aqueous solutions on copper(II) sulfide at different temperatures and pH // Functional Materials. - 2016. - 23, № 1.

Klochko N. P. Characteristics of the structure, composition and properties of electrodeposited zinc selenide films // Functional Materials. - 2006. - 13, № 3.

Heru Harsono Characterization of crystal structure and magnetic properties of Zn(1-x)MnxO (x = 0,086 and 0,090) nanoparticles synthesis results using coprecipitation method // J. of Nano- and Electronic Physics. - 2020. - 12, № 4.

Denysyuk R. O. Chemical treatment of monocrystalline cadmium telluride and <$E bold {{ roman Cd} sub 1-x {roman Mn} sub x roman Te}> solid solutions by H2O2 - HI - citric acid etchant compositions // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2009. - 12, № 2.

Овсянников В. П. CVD-синтез тонких оксидных пленок Zn и Al при ультразвуковой активации. — 2002 // Укр. хим. журн.

Vaksman Yu. F. Diffusion of transition-metal ions (Fe, Ni) in zinc chalkogenides. — 2010 // Фотоэлектроника.

Krupko O. V. Effect of the reaction mixture composition on CdS/L-cys nanoparticles optical properties // Functional Materials. - 2011. - 18, № 2.

Vorona I. P. Electron paramagnetic resonance for the surface manganese in ZnS submicron powders. — 2005 // Укр. фіз. журн.

Soroka A. P. Electron structure of calcium and cadmium apatites // Functional Materials. - 2010. - 17, № 3.

Smolyak S. S. Electronic structure and atomic structure peculiarities of isomorphic modified zinc diphosphates // Functional Materials. - 2014. - 21, № 1.

Edossa T. G. Electronic, structural and optical properties of zincblend and wurtizite cadmium selenide (CdSe) using density functional theory and Hubbard correction // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. - 2021. - 22, № 1.

Yuriychuk I. First principles calculations of indium impurity-cadmium vacancy complex in CdTe // Functional Materials. - 2018. - 25, № 3.

Sodeinde K. O. Highly sensitive colorimetric sensing of mercury (II) ions by green synthesized gold nanoparticles // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології : зб. наук. пр. - 2018. - 16, вип. 2.

Khetselius O. Yu. Hyper fine structure of radium. — 2005 // Фотоэлектроника: Межвед. науч. сб.
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