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 Знайдено в інших БД:Журнали та продовжувані видання (1)Наукова періодика України (1)
The first step to sketch the spatio-temporal evolution of biochemical and physical parameters involving in the Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in Mattatall Lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Пошуковий запит: (<.>I=Ж44108<.>)
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Nguyen-Quang, T.

The first step to sketch the spatio-temporal evolution of biochemical and physical parameters involving in the Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) in Mattatall Lake (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Many watercourses in Nova Scotia (Canada) have recently had algal blooms in a surprisingly increasing way in frequency and diversity without any good understanding or explanation about causes and effects. The blooms triggered in Mattatall Lake (Wentworth, Nova Scotia) have many particular aspects: toxic species domination, nutrients increasing on a monthly basis, and blooms that co-exist with icy conditions. In this paper, we suggest an approach to create a map system with an appropriate interpolation and validation of necessary data in order to deal with this issue in Mattatall Lake and to contribute to the analysis framework and management plan on the entire area. Our long-term objective is aiming to suggest a modeling process for the entire watershed.

Prospects of using PET waste for environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers

Nagurskyy, O.

Prospects of using PET waste for environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers

The article presents the technological possibility of using PET wastes for encapsulation of granulated mineral fertilizers. The schematic flowsheet is proposed to obtain film-forming composition. An encapsulated ammonium nitrate with predictable kinetics of fertilizer components release was obtained.

Tritium and its place in the overall radiation Ukraine technogenesis

Kotovenko, O.

Tritium and its place in the overall radiation Ukraine technogenesis

The problem of migration accumulation of tritium, as one of the radionuclides with low radiation doses, is of great value for Ukraine in our time. The current state analysis of the tritium migration accumulation in the components of eco- and bio-systems taking into account its biological effect on living organisms is the aim of the study. The paper presents a general model of ecological system state changes under the influence of tritium migration flows.

Hazardous household waste management in Vinnytsia region

Ishchenko, V.

Hazardous household waste management in Vinnytsia region

The article analyzes hazardous household waste, including detergents, paints, adhesives, expired medicines, luminescent lamps, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic waste, mercury-containing materials. Research shows that they contain a large quantity of dangerous and toxic substances (compounds of heavy metals, chlorinated polymers, aromatic hydrocarbons, surfactants, etc.), which pose a significant risk to the environment and human. The analysis of hazardous household waste management in the Vinnytsia region has showed absence of the appropriate management system. Hazardous household waste is collected separately only fragmentary and is released into environment together with other household waste, creating an environmental hazard in the region. The article also contains recommendations for the hazardous household waste management.

Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil

Gumnytskiy, Ja.

Pollution of soil environment with mineral fertilizers and ways of their migration deep into the soil

One of the major problems of pollution of soil environment, namely by components of mineral fertilizers due to their massive and continuous use in agriculture was analysed in the article. Possible ways of penetration of not absorbed mineral fertilizers deep into the soil as the main reason for getting fertilizers in the lower layers of the soil environment were investigated. A comparison of the impact of soil and climatic conditions on the rate of penetration of fertilizers deep into the soil was done.

Ecological safety of visual environment and videoecological perception (VEP) of Vinnitsia

Bondarchuk, O.

Ecological safety of visual environment and videoecological perception (VEP) of Vinnitsia

The object of the research is landscapes of the urban ecosystem of the town of Vinnytsia. The purpose of the work is to investigate and evaluate the level of videoecological perception and geopotential sustainability of Vinnytsia and set the main risks to natural and artificial visual environment of the city. The paper deals with the method of calculation for the evaluation of videoecological favourableness of the urban environment and methods of visual pollution control in the urban environment. During the research videoecological perception of the town of Vinnytsia was analyzed, the main environmental risks of the technosphere were identified and an evaluation of the sustainability of the urban environment of the city was made; the ways to optimize visual sensitivity of natural and artificial environment in the city were reviewed. A map-scheme based on experimental data and patterns of the range of videoecologiacal perception was made and its distribution among the territory of Vinnytsia was shown.

The concept of environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere

Petruk, R.

The concept of environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere

The aim of the research is to collect the information and analyze integrated systems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management and treatment in Vinnytsia region for its further optimization. The state of landfills and waste dump sites in Vinnytsia region, existing MSW collection system (container availability) and waste transportation system (availability and frequency of transportation) in all districts of Vinnytsia region, legal framework in the field of solid waste management, the state of public awareness and public opinion on MSW management in Vinnytsia region are analyzed; recommendations for environmental safety of Vinnytsia region in the waste management sphere are given.

Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals

Petrushka, I.

Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals

The process mechanism for sorption of strontium and cesium from liquid radioactive waste using modified bentonites from Yaziv sulfur deposit was investigated. The technique for predicting the intensity of the sorption process based on the comparison of experimental and calculated values of mass transfer coefficients was proposed. It was detected that the process of sorption extraction of strontium and cesium from liquid medium using modified clay minerals may be best described by a three-parameter model of the adsorption isotherms.

Adaptation of IUCN classification schemes for environmental safety passports of species

Kryvomaz, T.

Adaptation of IUCN classification schemes for environmental safety passports of species

This study aimed to improve the ways of risk assessment for environmental safety. The implementation of "Environmental safety passports of species" (ESPS) is of practical importance for effective risk assessment of individual species impact to the environment, humans and other living organisms. The classification schemes of International Union for Conservation of Nature for evaluating habitats, threats and stresses, use and trade, livelihoods of species were analyzed and adapted to the requirements of environmental safety. Some sections such as general information about species, their distribution, ecological classification, metabolism features, risks evaluation and beneficial use were itemized to be included into the structure of ESPS.

Preparation of quality drinking water as a basis of the environmetal safety and human health

Kravchenko, M.

Preparation of quality drinking water as a basis of the environmetal safety and human health

The problem of drinking water preparation with specified quantitative and qualitative composition is very acute today in various countries including Ukraine. The consequences of using the method of reverse osmosis at tap water purification using the equipment with the membrane element Filmtec XLE 440 (<$E 8 symbol Т>), produced by DOW Chemical (USA), have been reviewed. Positive characteristics as well as economical and technological shortcomings of reverse osmosis equipment have been proved.

Reduction of the environmental threat from uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria in the waters of the Dnieper reservoirs

Malovanyy, M.

Reduction of the environmental threat from uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria in the waters of the Dnieper reservoirs

We have analyzed the ecological hazard that has emerged as a result of the construction of hydropower plants on the Dnieper, which became the cause of uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria. The environmental risks that are caused by the uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria and their biodegradability were studied. The efficiency of application of the known methods of suppression of mass development of the blue-green algae was analyzed. The amount of biogas that can be synthesized from cyanobacteria biomass of Kremenchug reservoir was estimated. The strategy of avoiding the ecological disaster from the uncontrolled development of cyanobacteria and its negative impact on the environment was suggested.

Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

Vronska, N.

Integrated adsorption and ultrasonic technology for water treatment processes

The aim of this work is to study the process of water purification from mechanical and chemical pollution and pathogenic microflora by adsorption and ultrasonic methods. Proposed technology reduces bacterial contamination and purifies water from organic pollutants, improving its quality.

Methodological principles of electromagnetic screens application for public protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation

Glyva, V.

Methodological principles of electromagnetic screens application for public protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation

The growing levels of electromagnetic fields require the improvement of protective shielding methods. Frequency and amplitude parameters of fields have been analyzed according to national and international standards of electromagnetic safety and guidelines on shielding application have been given. The methodological principles of choosing and applying electromagnetic screens depending on radiation parameters and the required protection efficiency have been developed.

Spatial and temporal variability of pollutants in the bottom sediments in the Northwest part of the Black Sea

Berlinskyi, N.

Spatial and temporal variability of pollutants in the bottom sediments in the Northwest part of the Black Sea

The level of pollution of the bottom sediments in the Northwest shelf of the Black Sea is examined. Modern data are compared with those of the late 20th century and their variability over 30 years. Substantial increase (by two orders) of copper, lead and nickel concentration has been marked.

Development of mathematic model of gas-turbine unit combustion chamber functioning

Mandryk, O.

Development of mathematic model of gas-turbine unit combustion chamber functioning

The article presents the basic issues of ecological safety improvement of present-day steady-state gas turbine units. A mathematic model of diagnostics of combustion chamber considering the basic parameters of gas-turbine unit operation under different technological modes was developed. These modes include the intake air temperature of the axial-flow compressor, the intake temperature of the actuating medium of the directing set of the high pressure turbine as well as the temperature of the environment.

Influence of Dobrotvir thermal power plant on environmental specifications

Pohrebennyk, V.

Influence of Dobrotvir thermal power plant on environmental specifications

The influence of the emissions of Dobrotvir TPP on the state of environmental pollution was evaluated: the state of air and soils and the state of waste management. The necessity to perform combined researches and ecological measures to reduce the negative impact of waste dumps on the environment was justified. It was established that the state of soils of ash and slag dumps was in crisis, the content of total forms of heavy metals in the soil is 2 - 10 times higher than TLV or a background concentration, large excesses of heavy metals of the I class of danger, namely Copper, Zinc and Lead were detected.

Mutation of the Drosophila melanogaster L. under the influence of the electromagnetic radiation

Nykyforov, V.

Mutation of the Drosophila melanogaster L. under the influence of the electromagnetic radiation

Brief results of the previous studies of the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the fruit flies are quoted. The influence of electromagnetic radiation of industrial frequency on the living organisms has been investigated. Correlative dependence between phenotype Drosophila melanogaster L., duration and intensity of harmful factors has been established. Phenotypic manifestations have been fixed and Drosophila melanogaster L. mutation under the constant influence of the magnetic field induction from 2,25 to 20 <$E mu>T in three generations of test objects have been characterized. The dependence of the increased frequency of mutations occurrence and the increase of their diversity caused by the increase of magnetic field induction has been revealed.

Administration of the system of municipal solid waste management Lublin experience in the period from 2007 until 2010

Lutek, W.

Administration of the system of municipal solid waste management Lublin experience in the period from 2007 until 2010

This article presents main concepts of building modern system of communal resources management in Lublin. The author indicates major tools used for realisation of the project, describing the results of introducing above mentioned system in the first four years of its functioning (2007 - 2010).

Change of bacterial amount during sonication

Koval, I.

Change of bacterial amount during sonication

The dynamics of the change of microbial amounts in water medium in sonication time was determined. Gases bubbling of different nature into the reaction medium for water disinfection from bacteria under cavitation conditions is proposed in the article. The rate constants of destruction of Bacillus cereus bacteria type in the gas atmosphere are expected. It was determined that the processes microorganisms' destruction at bubbling of all investigated gases are described by the kinetic equations of the first order.

Advanced modeling and forecasting of pollutant concentrations temporal dynamics in the atmosphere of an industrial city (Gdansk region)

Glushkov, A.

Advanced modeling and forecasting of pollutant concentrations temporal dynamics in the atmosphere of an industrial city (Gdansk region)

In the paper we present the results of an advanced investigation of dynamics of variations of the atmospheric pollutants (sulphur dioxide) concentrations in the air basins of Polish industrial cities (Gdansk region) by using the improved non-linear prediction and chaos theory methods. Chaotic behavior of the sulphurous anhydride concentration time series at two sites in the city of Gdansk has been computed. As usually, to reconstruct the corresponding chaotic attractor, it is necessary to determine time delay and embedding dimension. The former is determined by the methods of autocorrelation function and average mutual information, and the latter is calculated by means of the correlation dimension method and algorithm of false nearest neighbours. Further, the Lyapunov exponents' spectrum, the Kaplan - Yorke dimension and the Kolmogorov entropy and other invariants are calculated. An existence of a low-D chaos in the cited system is confirmed and using polynominal algorithm with neural networks block allows making an improved short-term forecast of the atmospheric pollutant fluctuations dynamics.

Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського
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