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 Знайдено в інших БД:Книжкові видання та компакт-диски (1)Наукова періодика України (14)
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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 12
Представлено документи з 1 до 12

Byakova A. V. Application of cast open-cell porous aluminum for self-lubricating bearings // Проблеми тертя та зношування. - 2018. - № 1.

Vlasov A. S. Behavior of strengthened glass under high-velocity impact. — 2002 // Пробл. прочности.

Shmatko O. Development of methodological foundations for designing a classifier of threats to cyberphysical systems // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 3/9.

Milov O. Development of scenario modeling of conflict tools in a security system based on formal grammars // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2019. - № 6/9.

Belodedenko S. Estimating the residual resource of basic structures using a model of fatigue durability under complex loading // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 3/1.

Byakova O. V. Mechanical behaviour of the porous and foam aluminium in conditions of compression: determination of key mechanical characteristics // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. - 2017. - 39, № 10.

Berchenko N. N. Peculiarities of conductivity type conversion in <$E bold {p- {roman Cd} sub x {roman Hg} sub 1-x roman Te}> under ion beam etching and anodic oxide annealing // Functional Materials. - 2003. - 10, № 2.

Kravchenko V. P. Reduced air injection time during containment testing due to the use of an ejector // Пр. Одес. політехн. ун-ту. - 2022. - Вип. 1.

Vlasov A. P. Solid state doping of <$E bold {{roman Cd} sub x {roman Hg} sub 1-x roman Te}> epitaxial layers with elements of V group // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics. - 2006. - 9, № 1.

Byakova A. V. Specific features of mechanical behaviour of submicrostructured and nanocrystalline ceramic coatings under indentation. — 2004 // Наносистеми, наноматеріали, нанотехнології.

Byakova O. V. The role of technological process in structural performances of quasi-crystalline Al - Fe - Cr alloy // Progress in Physics of Metals. - 2020. - 21, № 4.

Plevachuk Yu. O. Thermoelectric properties of liquid CdTe in the stoichiometric composition range // Functional Materials. - 2003. - 10, № 3.
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