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Представлено документи з 1 до 6

Goncharov S. L. The occurrence of Paracoenogonimus ovatus (Trematoda, Cyathocotylidae) in fish of natural reservoirs of Mykolaiv region // Вестн. зоологии. - 2015. - 49, № 5.

Soroka N. V. Optimization of mathematical model of the impact factors hierarchy of the interface use based on mobile applications // Поліграфія і вид. справа. - 2016. - № 2.

Soroka N. V. Factors of influence of interface use based on mobile applications // Наук. зап./Укр. акад. друкарства. - 2016. - № 2.

Goncharov S. L. Distribution of trematodes Cryptokotyle (Trematoda, Heterophyidae), in fish of the family Gobiidae in the Estuary waters and the Black Sea in Southern Ukraine // Вестн. зоологии. - 2017. - 51, № 5.

Slobodian R. O. Species of the family Eimeriidae (Coccidia, Apicomplexa) parasitic in cattle at dairy farms in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine // Вестн. зоологии. - 2017. - 51, № 2.

Goncharov S. L. Infection of predatory fish with larvae of Eustrongylides excisus (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae) in the delta of the Dnipro River and the Dnipro-Buh Estuary in Southern Ukraine // Вестн. зоологии. - 2018. - 52, № 2.
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