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Представлено документи з 1 до 14

Lemishko S. V. Dielectric and magnetic properties of KTaO3 co-doped with Li and Co: size effects // Functional Materials. - 2021. - 28, № 3.

Prokopiv M. M. Classification of posterior circulation stroke: a narrative review of terminology and history // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2021. - 17, № 5.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical syndromes of thalamic stroke in the central vascular territory: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 5.

Prokopiv M. M. Classification of pontine infarctions // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2022. - 18, № 1.

Prokopiv M. M. Features of non-lacunar pontine stroke: results of a prospective hospital-based cohort study and a report of a series of clinical cases in white European adults // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2022. - 18, № 7.

Prokopiv M. M. Features of lacunar pontine stroke: results of a prospective hospital-based cohort study : (a review) // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2022. - 18, № 6.

Prokopiv M. M. Clinical manifestations of acute pontine infarction: a narrative review // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2022. - 18, № 5.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical syndromes of a thalamic stroke in the lower lateral vascular territory: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 3.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical vascular syndromes of thalamic strokes in anterior and paramedian vascular territories: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 2.

Vinychuk S. M. Thalamic stroke outcomes: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2019. - № 8.

Vinychuk S. M. Thalamic stroke outcomes: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2019. - № 8.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical syndromes of thalamic strokes in posterolateral vascular territory: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 4.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical syndromes of a thalamic stroke in the lower lateral vascular territory: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 3.

Vinychuk S. M. Clinical vascular syndromes of thalamic strokes in anterior and paramedian vascular territories: a prospective hospital-based cohort study // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2020. - 16, № 2.
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