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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 22
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

Limarchenko O. S. Structure of geometrical nonlinearities in problems of liquid sloshing in tanks of non-cylindrical shape // Math. modeling and computing. - 2014. - 1, № 2.

Limarchenko O.  Rotational motion of structures with tanks partially filled by liquid : Russian Transl. — K.: FADA LTD, 2003. — 286 p.

Limarchenko OResonant modes of the motion of a cylindrical reservoir on a movable pendulum suspension with a free-surface liquid // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 2.

Limarchenko OResonant modes of the motion of a cylindrical reservoir on a movable pendulum suspension with a free-surface liquid // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 2.

Limarchenko OPeculiarities of motion of the system reservoir - liquid on pendulum suspension under external harmonic force // Фіз.-мат. моделювання та інформ. технології : наук. зб. - 2014. - Вип. 20.

Limarchenko OPeculiarities of dynamics of the reservoir with a free-surface liquid on pendulum suspension with the moving suspension point // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 1.

Limarchenko OPeculiarities of dynamics of the reservoir with a free-surface liquid on pendulum suspension with the moving suspension point // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 1.

Kovalets S. I. Peculiarities of development of the generalized Faraday effect for spherical and ellipsoidal reservoirs // Механіка гіроскоп. систем : наук.-техн. зб. - 2019. - Вип. 37.

Limarchenko OParametric oscillations of liquid with a free surface in reservoir of conic shape // Фіз.-мат. моделювання та інформ. технології : наук. зб. - 2015. - Вип. 21.

Cattani C. Liquid sloshing excited by pressure on the free surface of liquid // Доп. НАН України. - 2002. - № 10.
International Workshop on Free Boundary Flows and Related Problems of Analysis : Abstr., Ukraine, Kiev, 25 - 30 Sept. 2005. — K., 2005. — 70 p.

Limarchenko O. S. Generalizations of the Faraday problem in mechanical system "reservoir - liquid with a free surface" // Math. modeling and computing. - 2014. - 1, № 1.

Limarchenko OForced oscillations of liquid in a reservoir of paraboloidal shape // Фіз.-мат. моделювання та інформ. технології : наук. зб. - 2013. - Вип. 18.

Limarchenko OEffect of the Coriolis forces on dynamics of the system reservoir - liquid under uniform outflowing // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 1.

Limarchenko OEffect of the Coriolis forces on dynamics of the system reservoir - liquid under uniform outflowing // Math. modeling and computing. - 2018. - 5, № 1.

Limarchenko OEffect of spring fixation on dynamics of reservoir with liquid // Фіз.-мат. моделювання та інформ. технології. - 2013. - Вип. 17.

Konstantinov O. V. Effect of combine motion on variation of resonance properties in liquid sloshing problems // Math. modeling and computing. - 2015. - 2, № 1.

Limarchenko ODynamical behavior of liquid in reservoir of revolution under harmonic force disturbance in the below resonant frequency range // Math. modeling and computing. - 2017. - 4, № 2.

Limarchenko ODynamical behavior of liquid in reservoir of revolution under harmonic force disturbance in the below resonant frequency range // Math. modeling and computing. - 2017. - 4, № 2.

Kovalets S. Determination of normal frequencies and modes of liquid sloshing in reservoir with variable bottom // Math. modeling and computing. - 2017. - 4, № 1.
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