ООН 87
UNCTAD/GDS/2022/1 / C52-ФО

China's structural transformation. What can developing countries learn? [Text] / [R. Banga et al.] ; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). - Geneva : United Nations, 2022. - VIII, 91 p. : fig. - Бібліогр.: с. 88-91. - ISBN 978-92-1-113037-9. - ISBN 978-92-1-001446-5 (e)
Авт. зазнач. на с. IV.

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Дод. точки доступу:
Banga, Rashmi; Fortunato, Pierguiuseppe; Gottschalk, Ricardo; Hawkins, Penelope; Wang, Dawei; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Організація Об'єднаних Націй; United Nations; "South-South Integration and The SDGs: Enhancing Structural Transformation in Key Partner Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative", project

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