"Shaping the future: politics & economics", International Conference (2020).
Project future "Shaping the diverse in community - Wide dialogue to create and methodologically support a network for involving migrant youth into civic society". International Conference "Shaping the future: politics & economics", [March 2020] [Text] : [proceedings] / [ed. board: M. S. Pashkevych et al.] ; Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union [et al.]. - Dnipro : Dnipro University of Technology : Lira, 2020. - 141 p. : fig., tab. - Назва обкл. : ERASMUS+ Shaping the diverse future in community - Wide dialogue to create and methodologically support a network for involving migrant youth into civic society. - Назва на корінці : Shaping the future: politics & economics. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 180 прим. - ISBN 978-96-981-445-6
Future. "Shaping the future" - youth conference.

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
Тематичні рубрики:

Дод. точки доступу:
Pashkevych, M. S. (ред.); Pashkov, V. O. (ред.); Priazhnikova, K. V. (ред.); Perfilieva, A. O. (ред.); "Dnipro University of Technology", state Hinger Educational Institution; "INCEPTUS", non-governmental, non-profit organization; "Instytut Innowacji", fundacja ; "INNOVED", innovative educationInternational Center for Peace and Integration; Associazione Connecting Europe; "Shaping the diverse in community - Wide dialogue to create and methodologically support a network for involving nigrant youth into civic society", project future; "Shaping the future", youth conference; ERASMUS+, Programme of the European Union

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