Uryadnikova, Inga.
Risk management in water in water treatment systems to improve the environmantal safety of operation of thermal power facilities [Text] / Inga Uryadnikova ; Matej Bel univ. Fac. of polit. sciences and intern. relations, Dep. of security studies, Odessa nat. polytechnic univ., Dep. of management of systems of human security. - Banska Bystrica : Fak. politických vied a medzinárodných vzt'ahov, 2011. - 102 p. : fig., tab. - Бібліогр.: с. 85-96 . - ISBN 978-80-557-0200-1

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Matej Bel university. Faculty of politicalsciences and international relations, Department of security studies; Odessa national polytechnic university. Department of management of systems of human security

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