
Cross-border cooperation of Ukraine with the EU countries: current challenges and possibilities [Text] : monogr. / [sci. ed.: Khrystyna Prytula] ; SI "Inst. of regional research named after M. I. Dolishniy of Nat. acad. of sciences of Ukraine". - Lviv : Omelchenko V. H., 2019. - 219 p. : fig., tab. - (Erasmus + programme of the European Union). - Бібліогр.: с. 190-202. - 120 пр. прим. - ISBN 978-966-02-4251-7 (series). - ISBN 978-966-02-8889-8

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Prytula, Khrystyna (ред.); National academy of sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)"Institute of regional research named after M. I. Dolishniy of National academy of sciences of Ukraine", state institution (Lviv)

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