
Ukraine - EU. Innovations in education, technology, business and law [Text] : coll. of intern. scientific papers / Chernihiv nat. univ. of technology, Ptukha inst. for demography and social studies, Ivano-Frankivsk nat. technical univ. of oil and gas, Techn. univ. of Kosice [etc.] ; chief ed. Andrii Shevtsov. - Chernihiv : CNUT, 2018. - 382 p. : fig. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 300 cop. прим. - ISBN 978-617-7571-12-3

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Shevtsov, Andrii (голов. ред.); Chernihiv national university of technologyPtukha institute for demography and social studies; Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas; Technical university of Kosice; Academic society of Michal Baludansky (Slovac Republic)

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