
Veterinary, agricultural, biological and chemical sciences: state and prospects of development in the XXI century [Text]. Dynamics of human intelligence evolution, moral and aesthetic world perception and artistic creation : materials digest of the XX Intern. sci. a. practical conf. a. the I stage of research analytics championships in construction sciences, architecture, culturology a. study of art (London, March 10 - March 13, 2012) : materials digest of the XIX Intern. sci. a. practical conf. a. the I stage of research analytics championships in biological, veterinarian, chemical a. agricultural sciences (London, Febr. 15 - Febr. 20, 2012) / chief ed. D-r of jur. sciences, prof., acad. Pavlov V. V. ; Intern. Acad. of science a. higher education, Intern. sci. analytical project. - London : IASHE, 2012. - 152 p. : ill., tab. - Текст рос., англ. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - ISBN 978-1-909137-00-4

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Pavlov, V. V. (ред.); International Academy of science and higher education (London)International scientific analytical project

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