"Quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics " (QEDSP2011), international conference (3 ; 2011 ; Kharkov).
3rd international conference on "Quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics" (QEDSP2011), August 29 - September 2, 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine [Text] : book of abstracts / Nat. Acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Nat. science center "Kharkov inst. of physics and technology" [etc.]. - Kharkov : NSC KIPT, 2011. - 239 p. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст. - 280 прим.

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National Academy of sciences of Ukraine. National science center "Kharkov institute of physics and technology"; National science center "Kharkov institute of physics and technology" (Kharkiv); Akhiezer institute for theoretical physics; Karazin Kharkov national university (Kharkiv)

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