
Nature and the natural environment in Mount Athos [Text] / S. Dafis [та ін.] ; Holy community of Agion Oros, Athos, Organization of the cultural capital of Europe "Thessaloniki 97". - Thessaloniki : [б.в.], 1997. - 60 p.: phot., map. - (Treasures of Mount Athos). - ISBN 960-86009-1-X

Рубрикатор НБУВ:
Тематичні рубрики:

Дод. точки доступу:
Dafis, Spyros; Babalonas, D.; Diamandis, S.; Vavalekas, K.; Holy community of Agion Oros, Athos; Organization of the cultural capital of Europe "Thessaloniki 97"

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