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Dainty, J.
The water permeability of cells of Chara Australis R.BR. / J. Dainty, A. B. Hope // Aust. J. Biol. Sci.. - 1959. - Vol. 12, № 2. - P.. 136-145

Дод. точки доступу:
Hope, A.B.

Dainty, J.
Ionic relations of cells of Chara Australis. I. Ion exchange in the cell wall / J. Dainty, A. B. Hope // Aust. J. Biol. Sci.. - 1959. - Vol. 12, № 4. - P.. 395-411

Дод. точки доступу:
Hope, A.B.

Dainty, J.
The rate of exchange of {\up 24}Na in cat nerves / J. Dainty, K. Krnjevic // J. Physiol.. - 1955. - Vol. 128, № 3, Jun. 28. - P.. 489-503

Дод. точки доступу:
Krnjevic, K.

Dainty, Jack.
Ion transport and electrical potentials in plant cells / Jack Dainty // Ann. Rev. of Plant Physiol.. - 1962. - Vol. 13. - P.. 379-402

Williams, E. J.
The electrical resistance and capacitance of the membranes of Nitella translucens / E. J. Williams, R. J. Johnston, J. Dainty // J. Exptl. Bot.. - 1964. - Vol. 15, № 1. - P.. 1-14

Дод. точки доступу:
Johnston, R.J.; Dainty, J.

Dainty, J.
Ion transport across plant cell membranes / J. Dainty // Royal physical society of Edinburgh ; Proc. meet. devoted mainly to Experimental biology and natural history ; The Cell surface. Second symp. soc. (22-23 May 1959, Edinburgh). - Vol. 28. - P.. 3-14

MacRobbie, Enid A.C..
Ion transport in nitellopsis obtusa / Enid A.C. MacRobbie, J. Dainty // J. Gen. Physiol.. - 1958. - Vol. 42, № 2. - P.. 335-353

Дод. точки доступу:
Dainty, J.

MacRobbie, Enid A.C..
Sodium and potassium distribution and transport in the seaweed Rhodymenia palmata (L.) Grev. / Enid A.C. MacRobbie, J. Dainty // Physiologia Plantarum. - 1958. - Vol. 11. - P.. 782-801

Дод. точки доступу:
Dainty, J.
Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця

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