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Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського - результати пошуку

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Сортувати знайдені документи за:
авторомназвоюроком видання
 Знайдено в інших БД:Інститут біохімії імені О. В. Палладіна (67)Інститут гідробіології (5)Інститут географії (2)Інститут зоології (26)Інститут клітинної біології та генетичної інженерії (4)Інститут математики (61)Інститут проблем міцності
імені Г. С. Писаренка (8)
Інститут сходознавства імені А. Ю. Кримського (1)Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова (16)Інститут фізіології імені О. О. Богомольця (31)
Формат представлення знайдених документів:
Пошуковий запит: (<.>K=ABSTRACTS<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 248
Представлено документи з 1 до 20

"Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science. SPO-2001", international young scientist conference (2 ; 2001 ; Kyiv).
Second International Young Scientist Conference "Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science. SPO-2001", Kyiv, Ukraine, October 25-26, 2001 : abstracts / National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Student Science Association Physics Department, Ukrainian Chapter of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Student Chapters of SPIE. - К. : [б.в.], 2001.. - 162 p.. - ISBN 966-02-2231-9
Дод. точки доступу:
National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kyiv); National Academy of Science of Ukraine; Student Science Association Physics Department; Ukrainian Chapter of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Student Chapters of SPIE

"Logic colloquium", ASL European summer meeting (2009 ; Sofia).
ASL European summer meeting "Loogic Colloquium 2009", July 31 - August 5, Sofia, Bulgaria : abstracts / Sofia University, Faculty of mathematics and informatics. - Sofia : "St. Kliment Ohridski" univ. press, 2009.. - 100 p.. - Gödel lecture. Plenary talks. Tutorials. Special sessions. Contributed talks
Дод. точки доступу:
Sofia University. Faculty of mathematics and informatics

Russian abstracts . - [Amsterdam] : [North Holland], [1962].. - [119] p.. - Текст рос.

"Modern analysis and applications (MAA 2007)" dedicated to the centenary of Mark Krein, International conference (2007 ; Odessa).
International Conference "Modern analysis and applications (MAA 2007)" dedicated to the centenary of Mark Krein. Odessa, Ukraine, April 9-14, 2007 : book of abstracts. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2007.. - 160 p.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.

"Molecular self-organization in micro-, nano, and macro dimensions: from molecules to water, to nanoparticles, DNA and proteins", NATO advanced research workshop (2008 ; Kyiv).
NATO advanced research workshop "Molecular self-organization in micro-, nano, and macro dimensions: from molecules to water, to nanoparticles, DNA and proteins" dedicated to Alexander S. Davydov 95th birthday, June 8-12, 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine : books of abstracts / Nat. acad. of scienсes of Ukraine, Bogolyubov inst. for theoretical physics ; [ред. кол.: В. Я. Антонченко [et al.] ]. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2008.. - 207 p. : fig., tab.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.. - 200 прим.. - ISBN 978-966-02-4805-2
Дод. точки доступу:
Антонченко, В. Я. (ред..); Брижик, Л. С. (ред..); Жохін, А. С. (ред..); Золотарюк, Я. О. (ред..); Шмагайло, Л. І. (ред..); Davydov, Alexander S. (pers.); National academy of sciences of Ukraine; Bogolyubov institute for theoretical physics (Kyiv)

"Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials", international conference (8 ; 2010 ; "Synyogora residence", Ivano-Frankivsk region).
8-th international conference on Electronic processes in organic and inorganic materials, "Synyogora residence", Ivano-Frankivsk region, May 17 - 22, 2010 : conf. abstracts. - К. : Науковий світ, 2010.. - 300 p. : fig.. - 300 прим.. - ISBN 978-966-675-629-2

"Carbon nanomaterials: structure and properties", Ukrainian-French school (1 ; 2009 ; Beregove, Crimea).
1st Ukrainian-French school "Carbon nanomaterials: structure and properties", 14th-18th September, 2009, Beregove, Crimea : book of abstracts. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2009.. - 85 p. : tab., fig.

International young scientist workshop on optics, photonics and metamaterials (2009 ; Kharkov).
International young scientist workshop on optics, photonics and metamaterials (OPAM 2009) , September 25-27, 2009 : abstracts / Nat. Acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov nat. univ. of radioelectronics. - Kharkov : [s. n.], 2009.. - 98 p. : fig.. - Текст англ.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.. - ISBN 978-966-2028-46-1
Дод. точки доступу:
National academy of sciences of Ukraine; Kharkov national university of radioelectronics; Institute of radiophysics and electronics (Kharkiv); IRE-OSA student chapter

Alushta-2010, International conference-school on plasma physics and controlled fusion (2010 ; Alushta).
Alushta-2010. International conference-school on plasma physics and controlled fusion and 4-th Alushta International workshop on the role of electric fields in plasma confinement in stellarators and tokamaks, Alushta (Crimea), Ukraine September 13-18, 2010 : book of abstracts. - [Kharkiv] : [s. n.], 2010.. - 222 p. : fig.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.. - 260 прим.
Дод. точки доступу:
Alushta International workshop on the role of electric fields in plasma confinement in stellators and tokamaks (4 ; 2010 ; Alushta)

"The art of interpretation of classical Oriental texts", the Nordic-Baltic conference of Orientalists (2 ; 1994 ; Tartu).
The second Nordic-Baltic conference of Orientalists "The art of interpretation of classical Oriental texts", Tartu, May 19-22, 1994 : abstracts of papers / Estonian Oriental soc. ; ed. by Kai Vassiljeva. - Tartu : [s. n.], 1994.. - 43 p.. - ISBN 9985-56-043-4
Дод. точки доступу:
Vassiljeva, Kai (ed..); Estonian Oriental society (Tartu)

Walker, O. J.
Absorption spectrophotometry : and its applications; bibliography and abstracts 1932 to 1938 / by O. J. Walker, Ph. D.. - London : Adam Hilger, 1939.. - 68 p.

"Modern problems of surface chemistry and physics", international symposium devoted to the 80th anniversary of academician O. O. Chuiko (2010 ; Kyiv).
International symposium devoted to the 80-th anniversary of academician O. O. Chuiko "Modern problems of surface chemistry and physics" : programme and abstracts book, Kyiv, 18-21 May, 2010: Incorporated first meeting "Compositum" / National Acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Branch of chemistry, Chuiko inst. of surface chemistry . - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2010.. - 531 p. : fig., tab.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.. - ISBN 978-966-02-5619-4
Дод. точки доступу:
National Academy of sciences of Ukraine. Branch of chemistry; Chuiko institute of surface chemistry; Scientific board on the problem of "Chemistry and technology of surface modification"; Association "Carbon" in Ukraine; Mendeleev chemical society of Ukraine

"Modern problems of theoretical physics", Young Scientists Conference (2010 ; Kyiv).
Young Scientists Conference "Modern problems of theoretical physics", December 22-24, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine : program & abstracts / [ed.: Z. I. Vakhnenko et al.] ; Nat. acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Bogolybov inst. for theoretical physics, Young scientists council. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2010.. - 126 p. : fig.. - Бібліогр. в кінці ст.. - 130 прим.
Дод. точки доступу:
Vakhnenko, Z. I. (ed..); Perepelytsya, S. M. (ed..); Iakubovskyi, D. A. (ed..); National academy of sciences of Ukraine; Інститут теоретичної фізики імені М. М. Боголюбова (Київ). Молодіжне наукове товариство

"Oxide materials for electronic engineering - fabrication, properties and application. OMEE-2009", international scientific workshop (2009 ; Lviv).
International Scientific Workshop "Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering - fabrication, properties and application. OMEE-2009", june 22-26, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine : book of abstracts / "Oxide materials for electronic engineering - fabrication, properties and application. OMEE-2009", international scientific workshop (2009 ; Lviv) ; упоряд. Я. А. Жидачевський. - Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National Univ., 2009.. - 218 p.: fig.. - ISBN 978-966-553-794-6
Дод. точки доступу:
Жидачевський, Ярослав А. (упоряд..)

"Plasma physics and controlled fusion", international conference-school (11 ; 2006 ; Alushta).
11th international conference-school on Plasma physics and controlled fusion and 2-nd Alushta international workshop on the Role of electric fields in plasma confinement in stellarators and tokamaks, Alushta (Crimea), Ukraine, September 11-16, 2006 : book of abstracts / "Plasma physics and controlled fusion", international conference-school (11 ; 2006 ; Alushta) , "Role of electric fields in plasma confinement in stellarators and tokamaks", international workshop (2 (Alushta). - [Kharkov] : [б.в.], 2006.. - 205 p.: fig.. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st.
Дод. точки доступу:
"Role of electric fields in plasma confinement in stellarators and tokamaks", international workshop (2 (Alushta)

"Quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics (QEDSP2006)", international conference (2 ; 2006 ; Kharkov).
Book of abstracts 2nd International conference on Quantum electrodynamics and statistical physics (QEDSP2006), September 19-23, Kharkov, Ukraine / Nat. acad. of sciences of Ukraine, Nat. science center "Kharkov inst. of physics and technology", Akhiezer institute for theoretical physics, Karazin Kharkov national university. - Kharkov : [б.в.], 2006.. - 211 p.: fig.. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st.
Дод. точки доступу:
National academy of sciences of Ukraine; National science center "Kharkov institute of physics and technology"; Akhiezer institute for theoretical physics; Karazin Kharkov national university

Safety-relibility and risk of engineering plants and components : abstracts of the second Hungarian-Ukrainian joint conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, September, 19-21, 2007 / ed. V. T. Troshchenko ; National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. G.S. Pisarenko Institute for problems of strength, Z.Bay Institute for logistics and production systems. - Kyiv : [б.в.], 2007.. - 67 p.: fig.. - Бібліогр.: v kinci rozd.. - ISBN 978-966-02-4490-0
Дод. точки доступу:
Troshchenko, V. T. (ed..); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. G. S. Pisarenko Institute for problems of strengthZ. Bay Institute for logistics and production systems

Summer school in algebra, analysis and topology (3 ; 2005 ; Lviv-Kozyova).
Third summer school in algebra, analysis and topology, Lviv-Kozyova, August 9-20, 2005 : lectures, abstracts of research reports / Ivan Franko National university of Lviv, Pidstryhach institute for applied problems of mechanics and mathematics National academy of sciences of Ukraine. - Lviv : [б.в.], 2005.. - 152 p.: fig.. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st.
Дод. точки доступу:
Ivan Franko National university of Lviv; Pidstryhach institute for applied problems of mechanics and mathematics National academy of sciences of Ukraine

"Functional analysis and its applications", International conference (2002 ; Lviv).
International conference on Functional analysis and its applications, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Stephan Banach : book of abstracts, May 28-31, 2002, Lviv / Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Institute of mathematics of Polish Academy of sciences, Pidstryhach Institute for applied problems of mechanics and mathematics of Ukrainian NAS, Department of mathematics of Ukrainian National Academy of sciences, National University "Lvivska Politechnika". - Lviv : [б.в.], 2002.. - 227 p.
Дод. точки доступу:
Lviv Ivan Franko National University; Institute of mathematics of Polish Academy of sciences; Pidstryhach Institute for applied problems of mechanics and mathematics of Ukrainian NAS; Department of mathematics of Ukrainian National Academy of sciences; National University "Lvivska Politechnika"

Controlled fusion and plasma physics : 23rd European physical society conference: 24-28 June,1996 / ed. D. Gresillon [a.o.] ; European physical soc.. - Kiev, 1996 . - (Europhysics conference abstracts).
Pt.1 : Contributed papers. - 1996.. - 463 ,lii p.: fig.. - Бібліогр.: v kinci st.
Дод. точки доступу:
Gresillon, D \ed.\; The European physical soc.
Центр бібліотечних електронних ресурсів і технологій

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