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Abbasova-Guliyeva, Aytan Zabil gizi.
The Middle east policy of the USA and Turkey-Israeli relations (the end 20th - the beginning of 21st centuries) : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5502.01 / Aytan Zabil gizi Abbasova-Guliyeva ; [Baku State Univ., Dep. of New a. Modern History of Europ. a. Amer. Countries]. - Baku, 2022.. - 33 p.
Дод. точки доступу:
Baku State University (Baku). Department of New and Modern History of European and American Countries

Abdulla, Bayim Nadir gizi.
Russia Federation national minorities' policy (the end of the 20th century the beginning of the XXI century) : abstract of the dis. ... Dr. of Philosophy : 5502.01 / Bayim Nadir gizi Abdulla. - Baku, 2023.. - 30 p.. - Бібліогр.: с. 28-30. - 20 cop. прим.

Abri-shelter: In my beginning is my end. - Seoul : [s. n.], 2022.. - ISBN 978-89-7218-726-4

Adams, Marilyn Jager.
Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print / M. J. Adams. - Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London : A Bradford Book: The MIT press, 1999.. - X, 494 p.. - Бібліогр.: P.433-473. - ISBN 0-262-01112-3 (HB). - ISBN 0-262-51076-6 (PB)

Aiello, Theresa.
Child and adolescent treatment for social work practice: a relational perspective for beginning clinicians : a relational perspective for beginning clinicians / T. Aiello. - New York : The free press, 1999.. - XVII, 221 p.. - Бібліогр.: p.205-211. - ISBN 0-684--84393-5

Ayers, Danny.
Beginning RSS and atom programming / D. Ayers, A. Watt. - Indianapolis : Wiley, 2005.. - XXXVII, 727 p.. - ISBN 978-0-7645-7916-5. - ISBN 0-7645-7916-9
Дод. точки доступу:
Watt, Andrew

Azezian, Houry Alexan.
The role of the Armenians in the Arabic Renaissance in Syria (XVIII end-beginning XX) : [автореферат]. Historical sciences candidate's thesis on specialty 07.00.01 History of Armenia / Azezian Houry Alexan ; Inst. of history of the NAS of RA. - [Yerevan] : [s. n.], 2010.. - 29 p.. - Тит. арк., вих. дан., текст вірмен.. - Рез.: англ.
Дод. точки доступу:
Inst. of history of the NAS of RA

Beginning of the experiments with SND detector at e+e- collider VEPP-2M / V. Aulchenko [a.o] ; The State scientific center of Russia, Budker institute of nuclear physics, SB RAS. - Novosibirsk : [s. n.], 1995.. - 23 p.: fig.. - (Prepr. / State scientific center of Russia, Budker institute of nuclear physics, SB RAS ; 95-56)
Дод. точки доступу:
Aulchenko, V. M.; Achasov, M. N.; Baier, T. V.; Beschastnov, P. M.; Bukin, AA. D.; The State scientific center of Russia; Budker institute of nuclear physics, SB RAS

Burd, Barry.
Beginning programming with Java® for dummies® / by Barry Burd, author of Java 2 for dummies. - 3rd ed.. - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2012.. - XVIII, 436 p. : fig.. - (For Dummies). - ISBN 978-0-470-37174-9

Capretz, Pierre J..
French in action : a beginning course in language and culture / P. J. Capretz [та ін.] ; forew. L. Wylie. - 2. ed.. - New Haven ; London : Yale university press, 1994.. - XII, 612 p.: Ill.. - (The Capretz method). - ISBN 0-300-05821-7
Дод. точки доступу:
Abetti, Bèatrice; Germain, Marie-Odile; Wylie, Laurence (forew..)

Dadasheva, Aynur Sultan qızı.
Political relations between Turkey and France at the beginning of the XXI century : abstr. of the diss. ... Dr of Philosophy : 5901.01 / Dadasheva Aynur Sultan qızı ; [Baku Slavic Univ., Dep. of Diplomacy a. Foreign Policy]. - Baku, 2021.. - 25 p.
Дод. точки доступу:
Baku Slavic University (Baku). Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Death is just another beginning: legend of the Taiwanese mummy Ko Hsiang / [execut. ed.: Lucy Lai, Sheng-Chih Ou-Yang]. - Taipei : Nat. Taiwan museum, 2014.. - 111 p. : ill.. - Назва кит., англ.. - Текст кит.. - ISBN 978-986-04-3918-2
Дод. точки доступу:
Lai, Lucy (ред..); Sheng-Chih Ou-Yang (ред..); "Death is just another beginning: legend of the Taiwanese mummy Ko Hsiang", exhibition (2012-2013 ; Taipei, Taiwan)

DeFrancis, John
Beginning Chinese reader / J. DeFrancis [та ін.]. - New Haven : Yale UP1977. - (Yale language series).
Pt. 1. - 1977.. - XXXIV, 505 p.: fig.. - ISBN 0-300-02060-0

Дод. точки доступу:
Yung Teng Chia-yee; Yung Chih-sheng

DeFrancis, John.
Beginning Chinese / J. DeFrancis ; assist. Yung Teng Chia-yee. - 2. rev. ed.. - New Haven ; London : Yale University press ; London : [б.в.], 1976.. - XXXV, 566 p.. - ISBN 0-300-02058-9
Дод. точки доступу:
Yung Teng Chia-yee (assist..)

DeFrancis, John.
Character text for beginning Chinese / J. DeFrancis. - 2. ed.. - New Haven ; London : Yale university press, 1976.. - V, 519 p.. - (Yale language series). - ISBN 0-300-02059-7

Edigna. Daughter of Anna of Kyiv and Henry I. The Beginning of a Glorious Ministry / [original story concept, director a. producer F. Balandin ; auth. of poetic play O. Irvanets ; auth. of Engl. version of poetic play R. Shwed ; auth. of Fr. version of poetic play D. Tchystiak] . - Kyiv : Pinzel, 2018.. - [22] p. : ill.. - Пер. изд. : Едігна. Донька Анни Київської і Генріха I. Початок Славного Служіння : ліміт. подарунк. вид. англ. мовою на честь відкриття 4-го Міжнар. фестивалю мистецтв "Anne de Kyiv Fest". - Київ, 2018. - ISBN 978-966-97644-5-4
Дод. точки доступу:
Balandin, Fedir (автор літ. першоджерела.); Баландін, Федір; Irvanets, Oleksandr (авт. слів.); Ірванець, Олександр; Shwed, Roman (пер..); Швед, Роман; Tchystiak, Dmytro (пер..); Чистяк, Дмитро Олександрович; Десницька, Катерина Іванівна (1886–1960) (про неї); Буванаф, Чакрабонґсе (принц Сіаму ; 1883–1920) (про нього); "Anne de Kyiv Fest", міжнародний фестиваль мистецтв (4 ; 2018 ; Київ)

French in action : a beginning course in language and culture : workbook / P. J. Capretz [та ін.]. - New Haven : Yale university press1994. - (The Capretz method).
Part. 1. - 1994.. - VII, 456 p.: Ill.. - ISBN 0-300-05822-5

Glover, T.R..
The ancient world : a beginning / T. Glover. - Harmondsworth, Middlesex : Penguin books, 1964.. - 350 p.. - (Pelican books)

Gojayeva, Khatira Zakir.
The role of Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh in the struggle for the democratization of education in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century : abstract of the dis. ... Dr. of Philosophy in Pedagogy : 5804.01 / Khatira Zakir Gojayeva. - Baku, 2023.. - 33 p.. - Бібліогр.: с. 32-33. - 100 cop. прим.
Дод. точки доступу:
Rasulzadeh, Muhammad Amin (1884–1955) (про нього)

Griffith, T.
Beginning painters / T. Griffith. - New Jersey : [s. n.], 1981.. - ISBN 0-13-689505-0
Центр бібліотечних електронних ресурсів і технологій

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