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Бримсон, Д.
Бешеная армия [Електронний ресурс] : история футбольного насилия / Д. Бримсон. - СПб. : Амфора, 2006. - 160 с.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Я надеюсь, что эта книга заставит людей взглянуть на проблему хулиганства так, как они никогда не делали этого раньше. Если это произойдет, то нам удастся спасти великую игру от волны насилия, захлестнувшей ее. Средствами борьбы с насилием должны стать не новые ухищрения полиции, это все бессмысленно. Правда заключается в том, что почти никто из тех, кто борется с проблемой, не понимает, насколько она глубока.

футбол -- фанатський рух

Тип видання: монографія   

Gross, M. L.
Moral dilemmas of modern war: torture, assassination, and blackmail in an age of asymmetric conflict [Electronic resource] / M. L. Gross. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 337 p.
Переклад назви: Моральні дилеми сучасної війни: катування, тероризм та шантаж у вік асиметричних конфліктів


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Asymmetric conflict is changing the way that we practise and think about war. Torture, rendition, assassination, blackmail, extortion, direct attacks on civilians, and chemical weapons are all finding their way to the battlefield despite longstanding international prohibitions. This book offers a practical guide for policy makers, military officers, students, and others who ask such questions as: Do guerillas deserve respect or long jail sentences? Are there grounds to torture guerillas for information or assassinate them on the battlefield? Is there room for nonlethal weapons to subdue militants and safeguard the lives of noncombatants? Who are noncombatants in asymmetric war? What is the status of civilians who shelter and aid guerillas? And, do guerillas have any right to attack civilians, particularly those who aid and shelter members of the stronger army? If one side can expand the scope of civilian vulnerability, then why can't the other? To read and comment on Michael Gross's blog article on the UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza

збройний конфлікт -- військова агресія


Terrorism and the UN: Before and After September 11 [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Boulden, T. G. Weiss. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2004. - 256 p.
Переклад назви: Тероризм і ООН: До і після 11 вересня


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

How has the United Nations dealt with the question of terrorism before and after September 11? What does it mean that the UN itself has become a target of terrorism? Terrorism and the UN analyzes how the UN's role in dealing with terrorism has been shaped over the years by the international system, and how events such as September 11 and the American intervention in Iraq have reoriented its approach to terrorism. The first half of the book addresses the international context. Chapters in this part consider the impact of September 11 on the UN's concern for the rights and security of states relative to those of individuals, as well as the changing attitudes of various Western powers toward multilateral vs. unilateral approaches to international problems. The second half of the book focuses more closely on the UN, its values, mechanisms, and history and its future role in preventing and reacting to terrorism. The Security Council's position on and reactions to terrorist activities are contrasted with the General Assembly's approach to these issues. What role the UN might play in suppressing the political economy of terrorism is considered. A concluding chapter looks at broader, more proactive strategies for addressing the root causes of terrorism, with an emphasis on social justice as a key to conflict prevention, a primary concern of the UN, particularly the General Assembly, before September 11. Contributors are Jane Boulden, Chantal de Jonge Oudraat (Georgetown University), Edward C. Luck (Columbia University), S. Neil MacFarlane (University of Oxford), Rama Mani (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), M. J. Peterson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Nico Schrijver (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam), Mónica Serrano (Colegio de México and University of Oxford), Thierry Tardy (Geneva Centre for Security Policy), Karin von Hippel (King's College, London), and Thomas G. Weiss.

ООН -- тероризм

Категорія: Релігія   

Halverson, Jeffry R..
Master Narratives of Islamist Extremism [Electronic resource] / Jeffry R. Halverson, Steven R. Corman, H. L. Goodall. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - 255 p
Переклад назви: Метанаративи ісламського екстремізму


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This volume introduces the concept of Islamist extremist "master narratives" and offers a method for identifying and analyzing them. Drawing on rhetorical and narrative theories, the chapters examine thirteen master narratives and explain how extremists use them to solidify their base, recruit new members, and motivate actions. The book concludes with an integration of the idea of master narratives, their story forms, and archetypes into existing strategic communication understandings, and suggestions for using this approach to create counter-terrorism strategies.

іслам -- екстремізм

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