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Gruen, L.
Sex, morality, and the law [Electronic resource] / L. Gruen, G. E. Panichas. - New York : Routledge, 1997. - 454 p.
Переклад назви: Секс, мораль та закон


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

SEX, MORALITY, AND THE LAW, edited by Lori Gruen and George E. Panichas, is an interesting and innovative contribution to interdisciplinary literature focusing on the intersection of law and society. In this volume, the editors define the topical subject, "sex," to include same-sex activity, commercial sexual encounters, reproductive decisions, and sexual self-determination. Their primary concern is to produce a counterbalance to the irrational, contentious, and contradictory public discourse generated by a society all but saturated by sex. They seek to do by presenting "calmer, more careful assessments of matters of intimate concern".

суспільство -- відносини


Seto, Michael C..
Pedophilia and sexual offending against children : theory, assessment, and intervention [Electronic resource] / M. C. Seto. - Wasington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2008. - 312 p.
Переклад назви: Педофілія та сексуальна злочинність щодо дітей: теорія, оцінка, запобігання


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Pedophilia, defined as a persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children, is an emotional and controversial topic. For many people, the mention of pedophilia brings images to mind of sexual predators1 who pursue and violate unknown children, although the reality is quite different. The public's perceptions of sexual offenses against children are influenced by media stories focusing on sensational cases that involve child abductions, killings, or individuals with long histories of sexually offending against many children (see Cheit, 2003; Jenkins, 1998). Parents are understandably worried about the safety and well-being of their children, and many others are concerned that children they know might be exploited or harmed by adults. In this preface, I discuss the social, political, and legal contexts for studying pedophilia to provide readers a framework for understanding the social, political, and legal responses to pedophilia and the associated problem of sexual offending against children.

педофілія -- розбещення неповнолітніх -- сексуальна експлуатація -- суспільна мораль

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