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Waugh, T.
101 marketing strategies for accounting, law, consulting, and professional services firms [Electronic resource] / T. Waugh. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 289 p.
Переклад назви: 101 маркетингова стратегія для обліку, права, консалтингу та фірм з надання професійних сервісів


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Most sales and marketing consultants subscribe to an “event” model of selling. You will find books written on single subjects such as closing the sale, referral selling, and overcoming objections. Many of these models and books are loaded against long-term success in selling professional services. Selling professional services is not an event, it is a process. Although pieces do have usefulness when placed in the context of the selling process, you may develop great skill in closing the sale and still not close many sales because you closed too soon or too late. This book, addressed to senior associates and partners of accounting, law, consulting, and other professional business services, describes selling as a process. I cover the three levels of the selling process:The development of the relationship, the buying process of the client, and the selling process of the professional. This is the process we use in The Rainmaker Academy, a leadership and business development program for professionals. It has been tested and found highly effective in hundreds of the world’s most successful firms.

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