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Тероризм: теоретико-прикладні аспекти [Електронний ресурс] : навч. посібник / Мовчан А. В., Грищук В. К., Марін О. К. та ін. ; за заг. ред. проф. В. К. Грищука. - Л. : ЛьвДУВС, 2011. - 328 с.


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У навчальному посібнику розглянуто найважливіші правові та кримі-нологічні аспекти тероризму як явища суспільного життя, зокрема висвітлено: історичні передумови виникнення та поширення терору; охарактеризовано ознаки, причини та види тероризму; основні напрями та засоби терористичної діяльності; з’ясовано правові підстави та суб’єкти протидії тероризмові як в Україні, так і в світі. Особливу увагу приділено кримінально-правовій кваліфікації терористичних злочинів та злочинів терористичної спрямованості; подано коротку статистику про діяльність основних терористичних організацій в світі. Для курсантів, слухачів, студентів, магістрів юридичних спеціальностей, викладачів, усіх, хто цікавиться проблемами тероризму.

терроризм -- тероризм -- терористичні групи -- терорист -- терористична діяльність -- протидія тероризмові -- терористичні злочини


The Red army faction [Electronic resource] : a documentary history / ed. J. Smith, A. Moncourt. - Montreal : Kersplebedeb, 2009
Переклад назви: Фракція Червоної армії: документальна історія


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Vol. 1 : Projectiles for the people. - 2009. - 693 p.

The first in a two-volume series, as part of a co-publishing project between PM Press and Kersplebedeb, is by far the most in-depth political history of the Red Army Faction ever made available in English. Projectiles for the People starts its story in the days following World War II, showing how American imperialism worked hand in glove with the old pro-Nazi ruling class, shaping West Germany into an authoritarian anti-communist bulwark and launching pad for its aggression against Third World nations. The volume also recounts the opposition that emerged from intellectuals, communists, independent leftists, and then – explosively – the radical student movement and countercultural revolt of the 1960s. It was from this revolt that the Red Army Faction emerged, an underground organization devoted to carrying out armed attacks within the Federal Republic of Germany, in the view of establishing a tradition of illegal, guerilla resistance to imperialism and state repression. Through its bombs and manifestos the RAF confronted the state with opposition at a level many activists today might find difficult to imagine. For the first time ever in English, this volume presents all of the manifestos and communiqués issued by the RAF between 1970 and 1977, from Andreas Baader’s prison break, through the 1972 May Offensive and the 1974 hostage-taking in Stockholm, to the desperate, and tragic, events of the “German Autumn” of 1977. The RAF’s three main manifestos – The Urban Guerilla Concept, Serve the People, and Black September – are included, as are important interviews with Spiegel and le Monde Diplomatique, and a number of communiqués and court statements explaining their actions. Providing the background information that readers will require to understand the context in which these events occurred, separate thematic sections deal with the 1976 murder of Ulrike Meinhof in prison, the 1977 Stammheim murders, the extensive use of psychological operations and false-flag attacks to discredit the guerilla, the state’s use of sensory deprivation torture and isolation wings, and the prisoners’ resistance to this, through which they inspired their own supporters and others on the left to take the plunge into revolutionary action. Drawing on both mainstream and movement sources, this book is intended as a contribution to the comrades of today – and to the comrades of tomorrow – both as testimony to those who struggled before and as an explanation as to how they saw the world, why they made the choices they made, and the price they were made to pay for having done so. With a preface by North American class war prisoner Bill Dunne, a revolutionary captured in 1979 following a shoot out with police in Seattle, Washington.

анархізм -- антифашизм -- політика


Shultz, Richard H..
Insurgents, terrorists, and militias [Electronic resource] : the warriors of contemporary combat / Richard H. Shultz, Andrea J. Dew. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2006. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Повстанці, терористи і бойовики: воїни сучасного бою.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Since the end of the Cold War, conventional militaries and their political leaders have confronted a new, brutal type of warfare in which non-state armed groups use asymmetrical tactics to successfully fight larger, technologically superior forces. In order to prevent future bloodshed and political chaos, it is crucial to understand how these unconventional armed groups think and to adapt to their methods of combat. Richard H. Shultz Jr. and Andrea J. Dew investigate the history and politics of modern asymmetrical warfare. By focusing on four specific hotbeds of instability—Somalia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Iraq—Shultz and Dew conduct a careful analysis of tribal culture and the value of clan associations. They examine why these "traditional" or "tribal" warriors fight, how they recruit, where they find sanctuary, and what is behind their strategy. Traveling across two centuries and several continents, Shultz and Dew examine the doctrinal, tactical, and strategic advantages and consider the historical, cultural, and anthropological factors behind the motivation and success of the warriors of contemporary combat. In their provocative argument, Shultz and Dew propose that war in the post-Cold War era cannot be waged through traditional Western methods of combat, especially when friendly states and outside organizations like al-Qaeda serve as powerful allies to the enemy. Thoroughly researched and highly readable, Insurgents, Terrorists, and Militias examines how non-state armies fight, identifies the patterns and trends of their combat, and recommends how conventional militaries can defeat these irregular yet highly effective organizations.

парамілітарні угруповання -- тероризм -- військові найманці

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