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Нееф, К.
01.09: Бесланское досье [Електронний ресурс] / К. Нееф. - М. : Ad Marginem, 2005. - 134 с.

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Ранним утром 1 сентября 2004 года из рощицы на одном из холмов Сунженской гряды в путь вышел отряд из 31 мужчины и двух женщин. Вышел, чтобы совершить самый кровавый акт террора после трагедии 11 сентября в Нью-Йорке. Эти люди захватили школу №1 в Беслане и убили 344 человека. Российские официальные органы как могли тормозили поток сведений о событиях. Махровым цветом расцвело памятное с советских времен искусство дезинформации. Те же сведения, что доводили до общественности прокуратура, спецслужбы, армейские и милицейские чины, отражали прежде всего стремление скрыть от чужого глаза собственные промахи. Журнал "Шпигель" предпринял попытку восстановить хронологию этих событий, включая и их предысторию. Так возникла хроника кровавого злодеяния в Беслане. Она повествует о том, что происходило в те первые дни сентября 2004 года на Северном Кавказе, в регионе, который следовало бы причислить к очагам острейших из кризисов, сотрясающих сегодня мир

Беслан -- тероризм -- небезпека -- беззахисність

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Иринархов, Р. С.
1941. Пропущенный удар. Почему Красную Армию застали врасплох? [Електронний ресурс] / Р. С. Иринархов. - М. : Яуза : Эксмо, 2011. - 576 с. - (Война и мы)


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Хотя о катастрофе 1941 года написаны целые библиотеки, тайна величайшей трагедии XX века не разгадана до сих пор. Почему Красная Армия так и не была приведена в боевую готовность, хотя все разведанные буквально кричали, что нападения следует ждать со дня надень? Почему руководство СССР игнорировало все предупреждения о надвигающейся войне? По чьей вине управление войсками было потеряно в первые же часы боевых действий, а Западный фронт разгромлен за считанные дни? Некоторые вопиющие факты просто не укладываются в голове. Так, вечером 21 июня, когда руководство Западного Особого военного округа находилось на концерте в Минске, к командующему подошел начальник разведотдела и доложил, что на границе очень неспокойно. «Этого не может быть, чепуха какая-то, разведка сообщает, что немецкие войска приведены в полную боевую готовность и даже начали обстрел отдельных участков нашей границы», — сказал своим соседям ген. Павлов и, приложив палец к губам, показал на сцену; никто и не подумал покинуть спектакль! Мало того, накануне войны поступил прямой запрет на рассредоточение авиации округа, а 21 июня — приказ на просушку топливных баков; войскам было запрещено открывать огонь даже по большим группам немецких самолетов, пересекающим границу; с пограничных застав изымалось (якобы «для осмотра») автоматическое оружие, а боекомплекты дотов, танков, самолетов приказано было сдать на склад! Что это — преступная некомпетентность, нераспорядительность, откровенный идиотизм? Или нечто большее?. НОВАЯ КНИГА ведущего военного историка не только дает ответ на самые горькие вопросы, но и подробно, день за днем, восстанавливает ход первых сражений Великой Отечественной.

друга світова війна

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Johnson, T. R.
A Good Quarrel [Electronic resource] : america's Top Legal Reporters Share Stories from Inside the Supreme Court / T. R. Johnson, J. Goldman. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2009. - 195 p.
Переклад назви: Добра сварка: кращі правові американські репортери поширюють історії зсередини Верховного суду


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The country's top legal reporters comment on and analyze some of the most important oral arguments in recent court history

суд -- коментарі

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Grossi, Р.
A History of European Law [Electronic resource] / Р. Grossi. - Rome : Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Історія європейського права


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After accepting the kind offer of Jacques Le Goff and the publisher to compile the volume in the Making of Europe series dedicated to legal history, I found myself faced with an unenviable task. I shall attempt here to sketch the outline of a historical and juridical narrative that spreads over more than fifteen centuries and the entire European continent, whilst following this series’ habitual combination of unstinting intellectual rigour with an equally unstinting accessibility of discussion. I must therefore scrupulously avoid the comfortable recourse of closed scholarly debate, and instead make it a priority to communicate with those outside the limited circle of experts.

юриспруденція -- законодавство

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Whiting, R.
A natural right to die: twenty-three centuries of debate [Electronic resource] / R. Whiting. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2002. - 223 p.
Переклад назви: Природнє право смерті: двадцять три століття обговорень


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While other books deal with the contemporary issue of the right to die, no attempt has been made to demonstrate substantially the historic nature of this question beyond the borders of the United States. Whiting demonstrates that the right to die controversy stretches back more than two thousand years, and he explains how current attitudes and practices in the U.S. have been influenced by the legal and cultural development of the ancient western world. This perspective allows the reader to understand not only the origins of the controversy, but also the different perspectives that each age has contributed to the ongoing debate. Whiting discusses the development of legal rights within both western culture and the United States, then applies these developments to the question of the right to die. In an environment of public debate that features such emotional events as the exploits of Jack Kevorkian, the publication of how to suicide manuals, and the counterattacks of Right to Life groups, the United States is left with very few options.

біологічна смерть -- евтаназія -- суїцид -- невиліковність

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Iannacci, J.
Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes [Electronic resource] / J. Iannacci, R. Morris. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 153 p.
Переклад назви: Доступні шахрайські пристрої та зв'язки з фінансовими злочинами

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Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes offers front-line exposure. It is a reference text that affords the student, financial investigator or law enforcement professional a true insight into a wide spectrum of criminal activity involving financial crimes. This book brings the reader back to the scene of cases in which the intensity and magnitude of the schemes presented a real challenge to the prowess of skilled investigators. It explores what makes financial crime the preferred crime and the means of successfully investigating them. Thorough in their approach, yet easy to understand, the authors offer information on every facet of this complex criminal activity. With everything from the roles different law enforcement parties play in investigation, through recent technological advancements in encryption, to useful resources that are available for investigation, Access Device Fraud and Related Financial Crimes offers a one-stop resource for solving financial crime.

шахрайство -- злочин

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Cane, P.
Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication [Electronic resource] / P. Cane. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Адміністративні трибунали і суддівства


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Among the many constitutional developments of the past century or so, one of the most significant has been the creation and proliferation of institutions that perform functions similar to those performed by courts, but which are considered to be, and in some ways are, different and distinct from courts as traditionally conceived. In much of the common law world, such institutions are called administrative tribunals. Their main function is to adjudicate disputes between citizens and the state by reviewing decisions of government agencies - a function also performed by courts in judicial review proceedings and appeals. Although tribunals in aggregate adjudicate many more such disputes than courts, tribunals and their role as dispensers of administrative justice receive relatively little scholarly attention. This wide-ranging book-length treatment of the subject compares tribunals in three major jurisdictions: the US, the UK, and Australia. It analyzes and offers an account of the concept of administrative adjudication, and traces its historical development from the earliest periods of the common law to the 21st century. There are chapters dealing with the design of tribunals and tribunal systems and with what tribunals do, what they are for, and how they interact with their users. The book ends with a discussion of the place of tribunals in the administrative justice system, and it speculates about possible future developments. Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication - now in paperback - fills a significant gap in the literature and will be of great value to public lawyers and others interested in government accountability.

трибунал -- суд

Тип видання: наукове видання   

After Enron [Electronic resource] : improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US / ed. J. Armour, J. A. McCahery. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2006. - 718 p.
Переклад назви: Після Enron: вдосконалення корпоративного права і цінних паперів Модернізація регулювання в Європі і США


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At the end of the 20th century, it was thought by many that the Anglo-American system of corporate governance was performing effectively and some observers claimed to see an international trend towards convergence around this model. There can be no denying that the recent corporate governance crisis in the US has caused many to question their faith in this view. This collection of essays by the leading British and American scholars provides a comprehensive attempt to answer the following questions: firstly, What went wrong—when and why do markets misprice the value of firms, and what was wrong with the incentives set by Enron? What has been done in response, and how well will it work? This study includes essays on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US, UK company law reform, and European company law and auditor liability reform, along with a consideration of corporate governance reforms in historical perspective. Three approaches emerge. The first two approaches share the premise that the system is fundamentally sound, but these approaches part ways over whether a regulatory response is required. The third view, in contrast, argues that the various scandals demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the Anglo-American system itself, which cannot hope to be repaired by the sort of reforms that have taken place.

право -- цінні папери

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Dow, M.
American gulag: inside U.S. immigration prisons [Electronic resource] / M. Dow. - Los Angeles : University of California Press, 2004. - 429 p.
Переклад назви: Американський гулаг: Всередині імігрантських в'язниць США


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Before September 11, 2001, few Americans had heard of immigration detention, but in fact a secret and repressive prison system run by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service has existed in this country for more than two decades. In American Gulag, prisoners, jailers, and whistle-blowing federal officials come forward to describe the frightening reality inside these INS facilities. Journalist Mark Dow's on-the-ground reporting brings to light documented cases of illegal beatings and psychological torment, prolonged detention, racism, and inhumane conditions. Intelligent, impassioned, and unlike anything that has been written on the topic, this gripping work of investigative journalism should be read by all Americans. It is a book that will change the way we see our country. American Gulag takes us inside prisons such as the Krome North Service Processing Center in Miami, the Corrections Corporation of America's Houston Processing Center, and county jails around the country that profit from contracts to hold INS prisoners. It contains disturbing in-depth profiles of detainees, including Emmy Kutesa, a defector from the Ugandan army who was tortured and then escaped to the United States, where he was imprisoned in Queens, and then undertook a hunger strike in protest. To provide a framework for understanding stories like these, Dow gives a brief history of immigration laws and practices in the United States--including the repercussions of September 11 and present-day policies. His book reveals that current immigration detentions are best understood not as a well-intentioned response to terrorism but rather as part of the larger context of INS secrecy and excessive authority. American Gulag exposes the full story of a cruel prison system that is operating today with an astonishing lack of accountability.

ув'язнення -- іміграція

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Zimring, F. E.
An American Travesty [Electronic resource] : legal Responses to Adolescent Sexual Offending / F. E. Zimring. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2004. - 195 p.
Переклад назви: Американська пародія: Правові відповіді на сексуальні правопорушення підлітків


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An American Travesty is the first scholarly book in half a century to analyze the justice system’s response to sexual misconduct by children and adolescents in the United States. Writing with a refreshing dose of common sense, Franklin E. Zimring discusses our society's failure to consider the developmental status of adolescent sex offenders. Too often, he argues, the American legal system ignores age and developmental status when adjudicating young sexual offenders, in many cases responding as they would to an adult.

злочин -- законодавство -- дитина -- підліток

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Anti-terrorist measures and human rights [Electronic resource] / ed. W. Benedek, A. Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2004. - 404 p.
Переклад назви: Антитерористичні заходи та людські права

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The tragic events of 11 September 2001 have led to an intensification of measures against terrorism both at the level of states and international organisations. New laws and resolutions have been passed in order to strengthen national and international action against terrorism. Some of these measures violate human rights and have been introduced without respect for obligatory procedures under international human rights conventions for derogations in cases of emergency. This development has given rise to much concern worldwide. In order to analyse the many (human rights) questions posed by the intensified struggle against terrorism, a symposium was organised, on the initiative of the Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR) of Athens, by the European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC) in Graz and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna together with the MFHR. This volume brings together most of the contributions to this high-level and in-depth discussion in edited, updated form. Among the issues analysed are the dangers entailed in the new doctrine of pre-emptive wars, the issue of the prevention of terrorism through measures addressing its causes and the strengthening of human security. The volume also contains an annex with major documents relating to the question of human rights and terrorism at universal and regional levels prepared by international organisations and NGO's, which represents a useful handbook on the topic. Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights (MFHR).

тероризм -- контртероризм

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Good, P. I.
Applying statistics in the courtroom: a new approach for attorneys and expert witnesses [Electronic resource] / P. I. Good. - Boca Raton : CRC Press LLC, 2000. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Застосування статистики в суді: новий підхід до адвокатів та професійних свідків


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This text presents a realistic view of the role of statistics in the courtroom. While obviously intended to introduce statistics to attornies, it provides statisticians such as myself with a clearcut view of what works and what doesn't work in a courtroom setting. Recommended both for attornies who want to brush up or relearn their statistics to get the most out of a statistician, and statisticians who want to develop productive working relationships with attornies.

судовий процес -- судова система

Тип видання: наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rogers, Eugene F..
Aquinas and the Supreme Court [Electronic resource] : race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries / E. F. Rogers. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Тома Аквінський та Верховний Суд США: раса, ґендер і колапс природного права у томістському тлумаченні біблійних текстів


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Contemporary accounts of what’s “natural” for human society still cite the thirteenth-century system of Thomas Aquinas – even on the Supreme Court. But those accounts ignore his biblical commentaries, which reveal something much stranger. Against the reigning impression, the commentaries embed all law, even the law of nature, in a sexually charged story of decline by specific ethnic groups – Jews and Gentiles – gendered in changing ways and redeemed by the reinsemination of divine grace. This book uses accounts of ethnicity and gender, nature and grace in Aquinas’s biblical commentaries to reframe the systematic works (especially his Summa theologiae) still quoted in court. The whole advantage of natural law is supposed to lie in its independence from any particular group, history, or religion. That is why rival views of gender and sexuality both appeal to “nature” and cite Aquinas. But Aquinas’s Summa ties natural law to specific biblical passages, where his commentary describes a nature that differs by ethnicity, varies over time, and changes sexuality by God’s decree. This destabilizes turn-of-the-twenty-first-century uses, liberal or conservative.

середньовічна філософія -- релігієзнавство -- екзегетика -- моральні категорії

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Cragin, K.
Arms trafficking and Colombia [Electronic resource] / K. Cragin. - Santa Monica : RAND, 2003. - 101 p.
Переклад назви: Торгівля зброєю та Колумбія


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Identifies the sources and routes used by arm traffickers to buy, sell, transfer,and ship weapons and the implication of small-arms trafficking patterns for U.S. policy.

політика Колумбії

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Assessing the Effectiveness of National Human Rights Institutions [Electronic resource]. - Versoix : International Council on Human Rights Policy, 2005. - 45 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінка ефективності національних інститутів з прав людини


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права людини

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Weisstub, D. N.
Autonomy and Human Rights in Health Care [Electronic resource] : an International Perspective / D. N. Weisstub, G. D. Pintos. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. - 401 p.
Переклад назви: Автономія і права людини в галузі охорони здоров'я: міжнародні перспективи


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This book offers a group of essays published in memory of David Thomasma, one of the leading humanists in the field of bioethics during the twentieth century. The authors represent many different countries and disciplines throughout the globe. The volume deals with the pressing issue of how to ground a universal bioethics in the context of the conflicted world of combative cultures and perspectives.

здоров'я -- право

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Barfield, C.
Biotechnology and the Patent System [Electronic resource] : balancing Innovation and Property Rights / C. Barfield, J. E. Calfee. - Washington, D.C : The AEI Press, 2007. - 119 p.
Переклад назви: Біотехнології та патентна система: Балансування інновацій і прав власності


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Barfield and Calfee clearly explain arcane issues of patent law and the tremendous effect that they can have on our economy, our technological progress, and our health. As Congress considers sweeping changes to the patent law, this book is a timely evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and the risk of overly aggressive reform. Biotechnology and the Patent System analyzes the role of intellectual property protection in biomedical research, one of America’s leading growth industries. Barfield and Calfee explore ways in which patent law fosters future research and venture capital investment; they also evaluate whether the current system could potentially impede genomic research and the development of new treatment and diagnostic tools.

законодавство -- біотехнологія

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Friedman, L. M.
Breve historia del derecho estadounidense [Electronic resource] / L. M. Friedman. - México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2007. - 196 с.
Переклад назви: Коротка історія американського закону


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закон -- історія

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Finn, J.
Capturing the criminal image. From mug shot to surveillance society [Electronic resource] / J. Finn. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. - 186 p.
Переклад назви: Фіксація криміналу: Від фото злочинця до до суспільного нагляду


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At the beginning of the twentieth century, criminals, both alleged and convicted, were routinely photographed and fingerprinted-and these visual representations of their criminal nature were archived for possible future use. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, a plethora of new tools-biometrics, DNA analysis, digital imagery, and computer databases-similarly provide new ways for representing the criminal.Capturing the Criminal Image traces how the act of representing-and watching-is central to modern law enforcement. Jonathan Finn analyzes the development of police photography in the nineteenth century to foreground a critique of three identification practices that are fundamental to current police work: fingerprinting, DNA analysis, and surveillance programs and databases. He shows these practices at work by examining specific police and border-security programs, including several that were established by the U.S. government after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Contemporary law enforcement practices, he argues, position the body as something that is potentially criminal. As Finn reveals, the collection and archiving of identification data-which consist today of much more than photographs or fingerprints-reflect a reconceptualization of the body itself. And once archived, identification data can be interpreted and reinterpreted according to highly mutable and sometimes dubious conceptions of crime and criminality.

криміналістика -- слідкування

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Scott, J. B.
Catholic Conception of International Law [Electronic resource] : francisco De Vitoria, Founder of the Modern Law of Nations / J. B. Scott. - Clark : The Lawbook Exchange, 2007. - 494 p.
Переклад назви: Католицька концепція міжнародного права: Франсиско де Віторія, засновник сучасного права націй


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This important study of international law theory before Grotius discusses the work of Victoria and Suarez, together with the writings of later Catholic jurists of the period, such as Mariana, Buchanan and Bellarmine. Contemporary Protestant jurists are discussed as well.

право -- церква

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