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Franklin, Julian H..
Animal rights and moral philosophy [Electronic resource] / Julian H. Franklin. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2007. - 117 p
Переклад назви: Права тварин і моральна філософія


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Animals obviously cannot have a right of free speech or a right to vote because they lack the relevant capacities. But their right to life and to be free of exploitation is no less fundamental than the corresponding right of humans, writes Julian H. Franklin. This theoretically rigorous book will reassure the committed, help the uncertain to decide, and arm the polemicist. Franklin examines all the major arguments for animal rights proposed to date and extends the philosophy in new directions. Animal Rights and Moral Philosophy begins by considering the utilitarian argument of equal respect for animals advocated by Peter Singer and, even more favorably, the rights approach that has been advanced by Tom Regan. Despite their merits, both are found wanting as theoretical foundations for animal rights. Franklin also examines the ecofeminist argument for an ethics of care and several rationalist arguments before concluding that Kant's categorical imperative can be expanded to form a basis for an ethical system that includes all sentient beings. Franklin also discusses compassion as applied to animals, encompassing Albert Schweitzer's ethics of reverence for life. He concludes his analysis by considering conflicts of rights between animals and humans.

право -- філософія -- тварини

Тип видання: наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Rogers, Eugene F..
Aquinas and the Supreme Court [Electronic resource] : race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries / E. F. Rogers. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 338 p.
Переклад назви: Тома Аквінський та Верховний Суд США: раса, ґендер і колапс природного права у томістському тлумаченні біблійних текстів


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Contemporary accounts of what’s “natural” for human society still cite the thirteenth-century system of Thomas Aquinas – even on the Supreme Court. But those accounts ignore his biblical commentaries, which reveal something much stranger. Against the reigning impression, the commentaries embed all law, even the law of nature, in a sexually charged story of decline by specific ethnic groups – Jews and Gentiles – gendered in changing ways and redeemed by the reinsemination of divine grace. This book uses accounts of ethnicity and gender, nature and grace in Aquinas’s biblical commentaries to reframe the systematic works (especially his Summa theologiae) still quoted in court. The whole advantage of natural law is supposed to lie in its independence from any particular group, history, or religion. That is why rival views of gender and sexuality both appeal to “nature” and cite Aquinas. But Aquinas’s Summa ties natural law to specific biblical passages, where his commentary describes a nature that differs by ethnicity, varies over time, and changes sexuality by God’s decree. This destabilizes turn-of-the-twenty-first-century uses, liberal or conservative.

середньовічна філософія -- релігієзнавство -- екзегетика -- моральні категорії


Martinengo, Alberto.
Beyond deconstruction [Electronic resource] : from hermeneutics to reconstruction / Alberto Martinengo. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, 2012. - 308 p
Переклад назви: Крім деконструкції: від герменевтики до реконструкції.


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By now Jacques Derrida′s legacy has taken the form of a veritable (post-)deconstructive Babel. Its lasting presence is marked by a crucial oscillation between the echoes of its earlier success and the claims of a radically different sensibility. This volume takes stock of the controversy in three main fields: philosophy, literary studies, and law. For all those who are confronted with the variety of Derrida′s legacy this book serves as an invaluable map and takes a reconstructive approach to move beyond deconstruction.

філософія -- літературознавство -- право


Rowan, John R..
Conflicts of rights [Electronic resource] : moral theory and social policy implications / J. R. Rowan. - Boulder : Westview Press, 1999. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти права: теорія моралі та соціальні наслідки політики


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The language of rights is utilized frequently in debates over contemporary social issues—a fetus’s “right to life” versus a woman’s “right to choose,” for example. Because these debates pertain to what our social policies should be, it is clear that the rights in question are moral rights, and that existing legal rights ought to be changed or maintained accordingly. The problem, however, is that moral rights require moral justification. In Conflicts of Rights, John Rowan takes this next step, and investigates possible moral justifications for rights alleged to exist in four contexts: abortion, affirmative action, welfare, and pornography freedoms. In doing so, he reaches conclusions about the morally appropriate policy for each issue, and also about the effectiveness of rights language in general.

права людини -- суспільна мораль -- цензура


Johnson, Bruce.
Dark side of the tune [Electronic resource] : popular music and violence / Bruce Johnson, Martin Cloonan. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 255 p
Переклад назви: Темний бік мелодії: популярна музика і насильство


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Review: "Written against the academically dominant but simplistic romanticization of popular music as a positive force, this book focuses on the 'dark side' of the subject. It is an examination of the ways in which popular music has been deployed in association with violence, ranging from what appears to be an incidental relationship, to one in which music is explicitly applied as an instrument of violence." "A preliminary overview of the physiological and cognitive foundations of sounding/hearing which are distinctive within the sensorium, discloses in particular their potential for organic and psychic violence. The study then elaborates working definitions of key terms (including the vexed idea of the 'popular') for the purposes of this investigation, and provides a historical survey of examples of the nexus between music and violence, from (pre)Biblical times to the late nineteenth century." "The second half of the book concentrates on the modern era, marked in this case by the emergence of technologies by which music can be electronically augmented, generated, and disseminated, beginning with the advent of sound recording from the 1870s, and proceeding to audio-internet and other contemporary audio-technologies. Johnson and Cloonan argue that these technologies have transformed the potential of music to mediate cultural confrontations from the local to the global, particularly through violence. The authors present a taxonomy of case histories in the connection between popular music and violence, through increasingly intense forms of that relationship, culminating in the topical examples of music and torture, including those in Bosnia, Darfur, and by US forces in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay."--BOOK JACKET.

тортури -- музика -- насильство

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Huxtable, R.
Euthanasia, ethics and the law: from conflict to compromise [Electronic resource] / R. Huxtable. - Abingdon : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007. - 211 p. - (Biomedical Law & Ethics Library)
Переклад назви: Евтаназія, мораль та закон: від конфлікту до компромісу


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Euthanasia, Ethics and the Law argues that the law governing the ending of life in England and Wales is unclear, confused and often contradictory. The book shows that the rules are in competition because the ethical principles underlying the rules are also diverse and conflicting. In mounting his case Richard Huxtable considers some familiar and topical debates, including assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia, examining such situations as the Dianne Pretty litigation and Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. The book also enters some important, but less well-charted areas, looking at the advent of 'death tourism' and the real status of involuntary and passive euthanasia in English law, in addition to clarifying the confusion that surrounds the use of powerful painkillers like morphine. Dealing with both legal and ethical issues, the text concludes that the time has come to more openly adopt a compromise position - one that more honestly recognises and accommodates the competing values, whilst also restoring a measure of coherence to the law.

припинення життя -- легка смерть

Тип видання: підручник   

Towl, G. J.
Forensic Psychology [Electronic resource] / G. J. Towl, D. A. Crighton. - Chichester : BPS Blackwell, 2010. - 476 p.
Переклад назви: Судова психологія


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In recent years there has been a growth in the availability and popularity of both undergraduate modules and taught postgraduate courses in the broad field of forensic psychology. Indeed the term ‘forensic’ has been increasingly juxtaposed with a range of areas of academic study e.g. analysis, anthropology, archaeology, computing, engineering, investigation, measurement, psychobiology, psychology and science (UCAS, 2008). This is also evident in much professional practice, both within the field of health (e.g. psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and social workers) and beyond (e.g. accountants and computing specialists).

судова система

Тип видання: життєпис   

Specter, Matthew G..
Habermas [Electronic resource] : an intellectual biography / Matthew G. Specter. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 278 p
Переклад назви: Габермас: інтелектуальна біографія


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This book follows postwar Germany's leading philosopher and social thinker, Jürgen Habermas, through four decades of political and constitutional struggle over the shape of liberal democracy in Germany. Habermas's most influential theories - of the public sphere, communicative action, and modernity - were decisively shaped by major West German political events: the failure to de-Nazify the judiciary, the rise of a powerful Constitutional Court, student rebellions in the late 1960s, the changing fortunes of the Social Democratic Party, NATO's decision to station nuclear weapons, and the unexpected collapse of East Germany. In turn, Habermas's writings on state, law, and constitution played a critical role in reorienting German political thought and culture to a progressive liberal-democratic model. Matthew Specter uniquely illuminates the interrelationship between the thinker and his culture.

політологія -- соціологія -- держава і право

Тип видання: зб. статей   

International criminal law and philosophy [Electronic resource] / ed. L. May, Z. Hoskins. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 270 p.
Переклад назви: Міжнародне кримінальне право та філософія


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This volume brings together some of the best recent work by philosophers and legal theorists on the conceptual and normative grounding of international criminal law. Philosophers and other theorists are only just beginning to write about the emerging field of international criminal law. International law has taken a significant turn in recent years. Rather than being primarily concerned with the relations of states, one significant branch of international law – namely, international criminal law – now concerns the relations of individuals, specifically, the responsibility of individuals for mass atrocities. As with any such change, there are many questions and problems that arise. In our book, we begin with considerations of the conflict between state sovereignty and universal jurisdiction; examine thorny issues raised when the victims or the perpetrators of international crimes are groups or corporations; proceed through various specific questions related to justice and human rights; and conclude with chapters on how international criminal trials should be seen in terms of theories of punishment and reconciliation. Throughout, these chapters relate thinking in political philosophy, ethics, and jurisprudence to cases and issues in the practice of international criminal law

міжнародні відносини -- кримінальний суд

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Arrigo, B. A.
Introduction to Forensic Psychology [Electronic resource] : issues and Controversies in Crime and Justice / B. A. Arrigo. - San Diego : Academic Press, 2003. - 367 p.
Переклад назви: Вступ до судової психології: проблеми і протиріччя в злочинності та правосудді


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Introduction to Forensic Psychology is an original approach to understanding how psychologists impact the research, practice, and policy of crime, law, and justice. Written specifically for students, lay professionals, and practitioners, the text systematically examines police, court, and correctional aspects of forensic psychology. By further subdividing the text into the adult, juvenile, family, and civil components of forensic psychology, the author brings interdependence and overlap among these dimensions and the three broad thematic areas themselves into sharp, clear, and compelling focus. Contained within each of the 12 substantive chapters are series of timely issues or controversies that provocatively capture the significance of these relationships. Selected topics include incarceration of the mentally ill, the police as mediators in prison, competency to stand trial, treatment refusal rights, police stress and suicide, and sex offender treatment. Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Issues and Controversies in Crime and Justice presents the debates about psychology, crime, law, and the intersections in an accessible, jargon-free fashion. It is a cross-disciplinary text relevant to the fields of psychology, law, criminal justice, social work, and public policy.

психологія -- юриспруденція

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Moore, M. S.
Law and Psychiatry [Electronic resource] : rethinking the Relationship / M. S. Moore. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1984. - 527 p.
Переклад назви: Права та психіатрія: переосмислення відносин


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This book is about the competing images of man offered us by the disciplines of law and psychiatry. Michael Moore describes the legal view of persons as rational and autonomous and defends it from the challenges presented by three psychiatric ideas: that badness is illness, that the unconscious rules our mental life, and that a person is a community of selves more than a unified single self. Using the tools of modern philosophy, he attempts to show that the moral metaphysical foundations of our law are not eroded by these challenges of psychiatry. The book thus seeks, through philosophy, to go beneath the centuries-old debates between lawyers and psychiatrists, and to reveal their hidden agreement about the nature of man. Some attention is paid to practical legal and psychiatric issues of contemporary concern, such as the proper definition of mental illness for psychiatric purposes, and the proper definition of legal insanity for legal purposes. This book was first announced, for publication in hard covers, in the Press's January to July seasonal list.

право -- психіатрія


Blackburn, Robin.
Marx and Lincoln [Electronic resource] : an Unfinished Revolution / R. Blackburn. - London ; New York : Verso, 2011. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Маркс і Лінкольн: нескінченна революція


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In photographs Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln both look the part of the respectable Victorian gentleman. But they were almost diametrically opposed in their attitude toward what was called at the time the social question. Lincoln happily represented railroad corporations as a lawyer. As a politician he was a champion of free wage labor. Karl Marx, on the other hand, was a declared foe of capitalism who insisted that wage labor was in fact wage slavery, since the worker was compelled by economic necessity to sell his defi ning human attribute—his labor power—because if he did not, his family would soon face hunger and homelessness.

капіталізм -- демократія -- політологія

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Jack, R.
Moral vision and professional decisions [Electronic resource] : the changing values of women and men lawyers / R. Jack, D. C. Jack. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1989. - 236 p.
Переклад назви: Моральне бачення і професійні рішення: цінності, які змінюються, адвокатів жінок і чоловіків


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What does it mean today to "think like a lawyer"? Drawing on extensive interviews with men and women attorneys, the authors explore how moral reasoning affects lawyers' understanding of justice and their own role in promoting it. This examination of personal and institutional imperatives in the legal profession, illustrated with quotations from the lawyers themselves, raises questions that transcend traditional discussions of legal ethics. The authors examine: the relationship between gender and patterns of moral thinking; the ways that personal morality affects public and professional responsibility; the legal system's response to social changes in public ethics and in women's roles. For example, has the recent influx of women to the legal profession brought moral views that challenge the traditional defining characteristics of a lawyer's job? What happens when a lawyer's personal morality conflicts with the role demands of the profession? In conclusion the authors offer suggestions for constructive changes in legal education and the code of professional ethics to foster morally responsive democracy. All those concerned with moral reasoning, gender roles, and the evolution of the legal system will find this stimulating and timely reading.

юриспруденція -- юридична етика -- правова система


Seto, Michael C..
Pedophilia and sexual offending against children : theory, assessment, and intervention [Electronic resource] / M. C. Seto. - Wasington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2008. - 312 p.
Переклад назви: Педофілія та сексуальна злочинність щодо дітей: теорія, оцінка, запобігання


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Pedophilia, defined as a persistent sexual interest in prepubescent children, is an emotional and controversial topic. For many people, the mention of pedophilia brings images to mind of sexual predators1 who pursue and violate unknown children, although the reality is quite different. The public's perceptions of sexual offenses against children are influenced by media stories focusing on sensational cases that involve child abductions, killings, or individuals with long histories of sexually offending against many children (see Cheit, 2003; Jenkins, 1998). Parents are understandably worried about the safety and well-being of their children, and many others are concerned that children they know might be exploited or harmed by adults. In this preface, I discuss the social, political, and legal contexts for studying pedophilia to provide readers a framework for understanding the social, political, and legal responses to pedophilia and the associated problem of sexual offending against children.

педофілія -- розбещення неповнолітніх -- сексуальна експлуатація -- суспільна мораль

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Memon, A.
Psychology and Law [Electronic resource] : truthfulness, Accuracy and Credibility / A. Memon, A. Vrij ; R. - 2nd. ed. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 224 p.
Переклад назви: Психологія і право: Істина, точність та достовірність


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Psychology and Law shows how psychological research and theory can be used in a legal context. Written with advanced undergraduate students in mind, it focuses upon the pre-trial or investigative phase of the legal process. Obtaining and assessing witness evidence is a key part of any criminal investigation. Topics include witness accuracy and credibility, covering issues such as assessment of witness credibility, interviewing suspects and witnesses, eyewitness testimony, false beliefs and memory, the role of experts and juries.

право -- психологія

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Richard, N. К.
Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes [Electronic resource] / N. К. Richard. - Sydney : Humana Press, 2008. - 313 p.
Переклад назви: Серійні вбивства та психологія насильницьких злочинів

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Richard N. Kocsis, PhD, is a forensic psychologist in private practice. He is the author/co-author of close to 90 scholarly publications (articles, book chapters, etc.) on the topics of criminal profiling, serial violent offenders, and their criminal investigation. He has served as an expert consultant to law enforcement, emergency, and prosecution agencies, as well as private law firms. In addition to his clinical and forensic work, he has held various academic positions in the areas of forensic psychology and criminology, including Lecturer in Investigations (Policing). In 2000, he was awarded the Australian Museum’s prestigious Eureka prize for critical thinking in recognition of his scientific research in the area of criminal profiling.

кримінологія -- злочинність


Bennett, C.
The Apology Ritual [Electronic resource] : a Philosophical Theory of Punishment / C. Bennett. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008. - 210 p.
Переклад назви: Апологія ритуалу: Філософська теорія покарання


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Christopher Bennett presents a theory of punishment grounded in the practice of apology, and in particular in reactions such as feeling sorry and making amends. He argues that offenders have a 'right to be punished' - that it is part of taking an offender seriously as a member of a normatively demanding relationship (such as friendship or collegiality or citizenship) that she is subject to retributive attitudes when she violates the demands of that relationship. However, while he claims that punishment and the retributive attitudes are the necessary expression of moral condemnation, his account of these reactions has more in common with restorative justice than traditional retributivism. He argues that the most appropriate way to react to crime is to require the offender to make proportionate amends. His book is a rich and intriguing contribution to the debate over punishment and restorative justice.

закон -- покарання


Habermas, Jurgen.
The crisis of the European union [Electronic resource] : a Response / J. Habermas. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2012. - 154 p
Переклад назви: Криза Європейського союзу


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All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, eleCtronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

кризис -- економика -- Європа

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Kant, I.
The Philosophy of Law [Electronic resource] : an Exposition of the Fundamental Principles of Jurisprudence as the Science of Right / I. Kant. - Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1887. - 265 p.
Переклад назви: Філософія права: виклад основних принципів юриспруденції як науки про право


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Тип видання: наукове видання   

Paludi, Michele A..
The psychology of teen violence and victimization [Electronic resource] / M. A. Paludi. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2011. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Психологія підліткового насильства та переслідування


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While it's widely known that hate crimes represent a serious issue among today's adolescent population, most parents—and perhaps even some educators—may be unaware that gender-based violence is the most prevalent type of hate crime committed by and experienced by teens, and that adolescent girls are exposed to more violence than boys. A complete understanding of the nature of the problem is fundamental to curtailing problems like cyberbullying and sexual harrassment. The Psychology of Teen Violence and Victimization is a two-volume set that fills a gap in the current literature on teen violence by addressing the incidence, psychological explanations, and impact of all forms of teen violence. The author—a psychologist who has focused upon interpersonal problems centered on violence, harassment, and gender—provides in-depth discussion of the various types of violence committed by and against teens. The set offers actionable prevention strategies for parents and teachers as well as individuals involved in community programs. Special attention is given to the impact of violence on adolescents' emotional and physical health, interpersonal relationships, career development, and self-concept.

кримінал -- освіта -- дитина

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