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Attwood, B.
Rights for aborigines [Electronic resource] / B. Attwood. - Crows : Allen & Unwin, 2003. - 410 p.
Переклад назви: Права аборигенів


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Bain Attwood's Rights for Aborigines is an important addition to the evolving canon on the interrelationships between white and indigenous Australians. His project provides timely scholarship on the discontinuities of the historical struggle of indigenous Australians to participate in a politically sanctioned, and mediated, liberal present. Attwood's approach is to select key case studies as 'representative' (p. xiv) of the development of indigenous engagement with white activists, and white ideas of justice, equality and fairness, in order to overcome colonial disadvantage. These case studies are ordered chronologically to provide clarity on the fractured discursive development of ideas like 'aboriginality' within a coherent temporal framework. They are significant within themselves, focusing on key historical struggles, for example, Coranderrk in the 1870s, the 1938 Day of Mourning, the 1967 referendum, and Tent Embassy in 1972, and will provide that most useful of references — a thorough account of a series of interconnected events with an intelligent analysis — for scholars of history, political science and law. The stand out, in terms of investigating closely the complex ways in which ideas of racial equality changed for both white and indigenous Australians as a result of their close working relationships, was the chapter on the Wave Hill strike. The careful reading of the narratives of engagement set up by CPA writer Frank Hardy with the Gurindji, in particular Vincent Lingiari, allows Attwood to investigate the individualised elements of political and psychological change, while still showing how probably the most politically significant discourse of recent times, land rights; emerged.

право -- культура


Our children, their children [Electronic resource] : confronting racial and ethnic differences in American juvenile justice / ed. D. F. Hawkins, K. Kempf-Leonard. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2005. - 459 p.
Переклад назви: Наші діти, їхні діти: боротьба расових і етнічних відмінностей в американській ювенальної юстиції


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In Our Children, Their Children, a prominent team of researchers argues that a second-rate and increasingly punitive juvenile justice system is allowed to persist because most people believe it is designed for children in other ethnic and socioeconomic groups. While public opinion, laws, and social policies that convey distinctions between "our children" and "their children" may seem to conflict with the American ideal of blind justice, they are hardly at odds with patterns of group differentiation and inequality that have characterized much of American history. Our Children, Their Children provides a state-of-the-science examination of racial and ethnic disparities in the American juvenile justice system. Here, contributors document the precise magnitude of these disparities, seek to determine their causes, and propose potential solutions. In addition to race and ethnicity, contributors also look at the effects on juvenile justice of suburban sprawl, the impact of family and neighborhood, bias in postarrest decisions, and mental health issues. Assessing the implications of these differences for public policy initiatives and legal reforms, this volume is the first critical summary of what is known and unknown in this important area of social research.

дитина -- ювенальна юстиція


Conlon, E.
Blue Blood [Electronic resource] / E. Conlon. - New York : Riverhead Trade, 2004. - 562 p.
Переклад назви: Блакитна кров


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Blue Blood is an work of nonfiction about what it means to protect, to serve, and to defend among the ranks of New York's finest. Edward Conlon is fourth generation NYPD - and the story he tells is an anecdotal history of New York through its police force, and depicts a portrait of the teeming street life of the city in all its horror and splendor. It is a story about fathers and sons, partners who become brothers, old ghosts and undying legacies. Here you will see terms like loyalty, commitment, and honor come to life, in action, on a daily basis. Conlon depicts his life on the force - from his first days walking a beat in the South Bronx, to his ascent to detective." The book opens with Conlon's first day on patrol, but in fact his story begins in the time of his great-grandfather, an officer of dubious integrity who participated in the corruption that marked the Tammany-era NYPD as a corps in need of reform; it continues through the experience of Conlon's father, a World War II officer who left the ranks of the NYPD to become an FBI agent, and the years of his uncle, an old-fashioned, easygoing career cop, who stayed in uniform throughout the political upheavals and corrections of the 1960s and 1970s. Conlon joined the NYPD during the Giuliani administration, when New York City saw its crime rate plummet but also witnessed events that would alter the city and its inhabitants, and its police force, forever: polarizing racial cases, the proliferation of the drug trade, and the events of September 11, 2001, and its aftermath. Conlon captures the detail of the landscape, the ironies and rhythms of natural speech, the tragic and the marvelous, firsthand, day after day.



López, I. F.
Racism on Trial [Electronic resource] : the Chicano Fight for Justice / I. F. López. - Cambridge : Belknap Press, 2003. - 324 p.
Переклад назви: Расизм в суді: боротьба Чикано за справедливість


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Lopez focuses on two related events in 1960s California politics that prompted the brown-power movement that fuels contemporary Latino consciousness. When Mexican American high-school students in East Los Angeles launched a protest against the horrid conditions in their schools, school officials and local politicians sought to punish a few students to discourage spreading discord. About the same time, a group of Mexican protestors were charged with conspiracy involving fires set during a speech by then governor Ronald Reagan at a Los Angeles hotel. Lopez argues that the conspiracy charge, the backlash against the Mexican students, and subsequent trials challenging the status quo of California race relations also challenged the until-then popular notion among Mexicans that they were white and sparked the brown-race consciousness. Lopez explores the intersection of the law and racial politics that points out the glaring racism extant in practices of the time. This is a penetrating look at racial politics and evolving race consciousness among Latinos. Vernon Ford Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

судочинство -- расизм


Estes, Steve.
I am a man! [Electronic resource] : race, manhood, and the civil rights movement / Steve Estes. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2005. - 252 p
Переклад назви: Я чоловік! : раса, мужність і рух за громадянські права.


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The civil rights movement was first and foremost a struggle for racial equality, but questions of gender lay deeply embedded within this struggle. Steve Estes explores key groups, leaders, and events in the movement to understand how activists used race and manhood to articulate their visions of what American society should be. Estes demonstrates that, at crucial turning points in the movement, both segregationists and civil rights activists harnessed masculinist rhetoric, tapping into implicit assumptions about race, gender, and sexuality. Estes begins with an analysis of the role of black men in World War II and then examines the segregationists, who demonized black male sexuality and galvanized white men behind the ideal of southern honor. He then explores the militant new models of manhood espoused by civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., and groups such as the Nation of Islam, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and the Black Panther Party. Reliance on masculinist organizing strategies had both positive and negative consequences, Estes concludes. Tracing these strategies from the integration of the U.S. military in the 1940s through the Million Man March in the 1990s, he shows that masculinism rallied men to action but left unchallenged many of the patriarchal assumptions that underlay American society.

соціальні рухи -- маскулінність -- цивільне право

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