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Тип видання: наукове видання   

Diehl, P. F.
The dynamics of international law [Electronic resource] / P. F. Diehl, C. Ku. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 216 p.
Переклад назви: Динаміка міжнародного права


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The study of international law has, in some ways, undergone dramatic changes over the past centuries, but it has also stayed remarkably the same. The subject matter with international legal components has expanded dramatically and the depth of international law’s reach has also increased. Froman early reliance on theological writings and natural law, international law has evolved substantially to include a variety of sources for rules, most notably custom and treaties. Early international law focused extensively on the territory of states and the regulation of the use of armed force.

міжнародні відносини

Тип видання: монографія   

Schechter, H.
The serial killer files: the who, what, where, how, and why of the world’s most terrifying murderers [Electronic resource] / H. Schechter. - New York : Ballantine books, 2003. - 423 p.
Переклад назви: Документація серійного вбивці: "хто, що, де як і чому" найбільш жахливих вбивць


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One reason people tend to think that serial murder is a frighteningly new phenomenon is that, until about twenty years ago, no one ever heard of such a thing. For most of the twentieth century, the news media never referred to serial killers. But that isn’t because homicidal psychos didn’t exist in the past. Indeed, one of the most infamous American serial killers of all time, Albert Fish, committed his atrocities around the time of the Great Depression. After his arrest, his unspeakable crimes were covered extensively by the newspapers. Nowhere, however, is Fish described as a serial killer. The reason is simple. The phrase hadn’t been invented yet. Back then, the type of crime we now define as serial murder was simply lumped together under the general rubric of “mass murder.”

вбивство -- кримінал

Тип видання: довідник   

Mozayani, A.
The forensic laboratory handbook [Electronic resource] : procedures and practice / A. Mozayani, C. Noziglia. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2006. - 300 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник судово-медичної лабораторії: процедури і практика


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Forensic science has come a long way in the past ten years. It is much more in-depth and much broader in scope, and the information gleaned from any evidence yields so much more information than it had in the past because of incredible advances in analytic instruments and crucial procedures at both the crime scene and in the lab. Many practices have gone digital, a concept not even fathomed ten years ago. And from the first collection of evidence to its lab analysis and interpretation to its final presentation in court, ethics has become an overriding guiding principle. That’s why this new edition of this classic handbook is indispensable. The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice includes thirteen new chapters written by real-life practitioners who are experts in the field. It covers the tried and true topics of fingerprints, trace evidence, chemistry, biology, explosives and arson, forensic anthropology, forensic pathology, forensic documents, firearms and toolmarks. This text also addresses an array of new topics including accreditation, certification, ethics, and how insects and bugs can assist in determining many facts including a margin of time of death. In the attempt to offer a complete and comprehensive analysis The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice also includes a chapter discussing the design of a laboratory. In addition, each chapter contains educational requirements needed for the discipline it covers. Complete with questions at the end of each chapter, brief author bios and real crime scene photos, this text has risen to greet the many new challenges and issues that face today’s forensic crime practitioners.

судова медицина

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Honig, B.
Emergency politics [Electronic resource] : paradox, law, democracy / B. Honig. - Princeton : Publishing Princeton University Press, 2009. - 197 p.
Переклад назви: Надзвичайна політика: Парадокс, закон, демократія


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This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking at how emergencies in the past and present have shaped the development of democracy, Bonnie Honig argues that democracies must resist emergency's pull to focus on life's necessities (food, security, and bare essentials) because these tend to privatize and isolate citizens rather than bring us together on behalf of hopeful futures. Emphasizing the connections between mere life and more life, emergence and emergency, Honig argues that emergencies call us to attend anew to a neglected paradox of democratic politics: that we need good citizens with aspirational ideals to make good politics while we need good politics to infuse citizens with idealism. Honig takes a broad approach to emergency, considering immigration politics, new rights claims, contemporary food politics and the infrastructure of consumption, and the limits of law during the Red Scare of the early twentieth century. Taking its bearings from Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and other Jewish thinkers, this is a major contribution to modern thought about the challenges and risks of democratic orientation and action in response to emergency.

політика -- законодавство


The Sword and the Scales [Electronic resource] : the united states and international courts and tribunals. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 460 p.
Переклад назви: Меч і ваги: Сполучені Штати і міжнародні суди та трибунали


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The Sword and the Scales is the first in-depth and comprehensive study of attitudes and behaviors of the United States toward major international courts and tribunals, including the International Courts of Justice, WTO, and NAFTA dispute settlement systems; the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; and all international criminal courts. Thirteen essays by American legal scholars map and analyze current and past patterns of promotion or opposition, use or neglect, of international judicial bodies by various branches of the United States government, suggesting a complex and deeply ambivalent relationship. The United States has been, and continues to be, not only a promoter of the various international courts and tribunals but also an active participant of the judicial system. It appears before some of the international judicial bodies frequently and supports more, both politically and financially. At the same time, it is less engaged than it could be, particularly given its strong rule of law foundations and its historical tradition of commitment to international law and its institutions.


Тип видання: зб. статей   

Cornell Law Review [Electronic resource]. - Ithaca : Publishing Cornell University, 2008. - 1466 p.
Переклад назви: Корнельський огляд судової практики


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The Cornell Law Review is the flagship legal journal of Cornell Law School. Originally published in 1915 as the Cornell Law Quarterly, the journal features scholarship in all fields of law. Notably, past issues of the Cornell Law Review have included articles by Supreme Court justices Robert H. Jackson, John Marshall Harlan II, William O. Douglas, Felix Frankfurter, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

журнал -- законодавство

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Gurnham, D.
Memory, imagination, justice [Electronic resource] : intersections of law and literature / D. Gurnham. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2009. - 215 p.
Переклад назви: Пам'ять, уява, справедливість: перетин права та літератури


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Through the creative use of literary analysis, "Memory, Imagination, Justice" provides a critical and highly original discussion of contemporary topics in criminal law and also in bioethics. Author David Gurnham uses popular and classical texts, by authors including Shakespeare, Dickens, Euripides, Kafka, the Brothers Grimm, Huxley and Margaret Atwood to shed fresh light on such controversial legal and ethical issues as passionate homicide, life sentences, child pornography and genetic enhancement. Gurnham's overarching theme is the role of memory and imagination in shaping legal and ethical attitudes. Along this line, the book examines the ways in which past wrongs are 'remembered' and may be forcefully responded to, both by the criminal justice system itself and also by individuals responding to what they regard as gross insults, threats or personal violations. The volume further discusses the role of imagination as a creative force behind legal reform, in terms of the definition of criminal behavior and the possible future development of the law. These ideas provide a useful and highly original perspective on contemporary issues of crime and society as they resonate both in legal and literary discussion.

право -- література

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Forensic dentistry [Electronic resource] / ed. D. R. Senn, P. G. Stimson. - 2nd. ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010. - 453 p.
Переклад назви: Судова стоматологія


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The identification of unknown individuals and the estimation of age, race, and gender are among the chief functions of forensic dentistry. Other important applications include the investigation and analysis of bitemarks and oral injuries in abuse cases and evaluating, reporting, and testifying in civil litigation cases. Twelve years after the benchmark first edition of this book explored these topics, the long-awaited Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition offers a comprehensive update and revision of the material. Offering insight from many new contributors on the cutting edge of forensic science and odontology, this new edition expands the book’s scope to include a broader historical and theoretical analysis, a thorough assessment of the past decade’s developments, and a far-reaching projection of future trends.

медицина -- судова експертиза


Yuval, M.
Equality for same-sex couples [Electronic resource] : the legal recognition of gay partnerships in Europe and the United States / M. Yuval. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2002. - 397 p.
Переклад назви: Рівність для одностатевих пар: юридичне визнання гей-партнерств в Європі та Сполучених Штатах


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There is always need of persons not only to discover new truths, and point out when what were once truths are true no longer, but also to commence new practices, and set the example of more enlightened conduct. The past provides many instances where the law refused to see a human being when it should have. . . . The challenge for future generations will be to define what is most essentially human. The extension of the Common Benefits Clause to acknowledge [same-sex couples] as Vermonters who seek nothing more, nor less, than legal protection and security for their avowed commitment to an intimate and lasting human relationship is simply, when all is said and done, a recognition of our common humanity.

одностатевий шлюб -- гомосексуальність -- відносини -- право

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa [Electronic resource] / ed. F. du Bois, A. du Bois-Pedain. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008. - 321 p.
Переклад назви: Правосуддя і примирення у пост-апартеїдній Південній Африці


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Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa assesses the transitional processes under way since the early 1990s to create a stable and just society. Change in South Africa is often credited to the efforts of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), but the work of this institution forms but a facet of a much broader picture. This book looks at the steps which accompanied and followed the TRC's activities, such as land restitution, institutional reforms and social and cultural initiatives. Thematically, it interlinks the TRC's concerns over truth and reconciliation with an analysis of the concepts of justice, accountability, harm and reconciliation and with competing perceptions of what these notions entail in the South African context. Bringing together international and South African scholars whose work has focused on these themes, the contributions provide a cohesive and inspiring analysis of South Africa's response to its unjust past.

право -- Південна Африка


Perkins, L. E.
Multiple sclerosis: your legal rights [Electronic resource] / L. E. Perkins, L. E. Perkins. - 3th. ed. - Ney York : demosHEALTH, 2008. - 153 p.


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This extensively revised third edition continues to provide reliable basic information and possible solutions to the legal problems that often affect people with multiple sclerosis (MS). In the past seven years, since the publication of the last edition, significant legislative changes have taken place that affect the lives of anyone living with MS. Trying to decipher new laws can be overwhelming, even for the most educated individual. Multiple Sclerosis: Your Legal Rights, 3rd Edition enables readers to plan for the future and face tough decisions, such as: Can I return to work without compromising my Social Security disability benefits in the long term? How does the expansion of Medicare Part D affect me? Is there any legal recourse for managing my debts? These and other topics are thoroughly discussed in this updated edition.

розсіяний склероз -- пацієнт -- правовий статус

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Eekelaar, J.
Family Law Advocacy [Electronic resource] : how Barristers help the Victims of Family Failure / J. Eekelaar, M. Maclean. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 132 p.
Переклад назви: Захист сімейного права: як адвокати допомогають жертвам сімейних відмов


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The role of the law in settling family disputes has been a matter of particular debate over the past 25 years. In keeping with the general public perception, the media has been largely critical about the role of lawyers in family law matters, sustaining a general lack of confidence in the legal profession, and a more specific feeling that, in family matters, lawyers aggravate conflict or even represent a female conspiracy. The climate in which family lawyers practice in England and Wales is a harsh one. The authors of this path-breaking study felt it was time to find out more about the contributions of barristers in family law cases in the UK. Much of the study is comprised of an in-depth examination of the day-to-day activity of members of the UK Family Law Bar through observation of individual barristers as they performed their role in the context of a court hearing. In answering questions, such as whether the family justice system is excessively adversarial, whether family barristers earn too much from human unhappiness, or indeed whether those working in the front line of child protection earn enough, the authors reach some surprising conclusions. "The barrister is both mentor and guide for the client" is how they begin their conclusion; "we hope that we have shown that society should value their contribution better" is how they finish.

сімейне право

Тип видання: підручник   

Ellis, L.
Handbook of crime correlates [Electronic resource] / L. Ellis, K. Beaver, J. Wright. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2009. - 266 p.
Переклад назви: Підручник зі співвідношення злочинів

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Over the past two centuries, many aspects of criminal behavior have been investigated. Finding this information and making sense of it all is difficult when many studies would appear to offer contradictory findings. The Handbook of Crime Correlates collects in one source the summary analysis of crime research worldwide. It provides over 400 tables that divide crime research into nine broad categories: Pervasiveness and intra-offending relationships Demographic factors Ecological and macroeconomic factors Family and peer factors Institutional factors Behavioral and personality factors Cognitive factors Biological factors Crime victimization and fear of crime Within these broad categories, tables identify regions of the world and how separate variables are or are not positively or negatively associated with criminal behavior. Criminal behavior is broken down into separate offending categories of violent crime, property crime, drug offenses, sex offenses, delinquency, general and adult offenses, and recidivism. Accompanying each table is a description of what each table indicates in terms of the positive or negative association of specific variables with specific types of crime by region. This book should serve as a valuable resource for criminal justice personnel and academics in the social and life sciences interested in criminal behavior.

кримінал -- розслідування

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Cane, P.
Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication [Electronic resource] / P. Cane. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Адміністративні трибунали і суддівства


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Among the many constitutional developments of the past century or so, one of the most significant has been the creation and proliferation of institutions that perform functions similar to those performed by courts, but which are considered to be, and in some ways are, different and distinct from courts as traditionally conceived. In much of the common law world, such institutions are called administrative tribunals. Their main function is to adjudicate disputes between citizens and the state by reviewing decisions of government agencies - a function also performed by courts in judicial review proceedings and appeals. Although tribunals in aggregate adjudicate many more such disputes than courts, tribunals and their role as dispensers of administrative justice receive relatively little scholarly attention. This wide-ranging book-length treatment of the subject compares tribunals in three major jurisdictions: the US, the UK, and Australia. It analyzes and offers an account of the concept of administrative adjudication, and traces its historical development from the earliest periods of the common law to the 21st century. There are chapters dealing with the design of tribunals and tribunal systems and with what tribunals do, what they are for, and how they interact with their users. The book ends with a discussion of the place of tribunals in the administrative justice system, and it speculates about possible future developments. Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication - now in paperback - fills a significant gap in the literature and will be of great value to public lawyers and others interested in government accountability.

трибунал -- суд


Hanhimäki, Jussi M..
An International History of Terrorism [Electronic resource] : western and non-Western experiences / J. M. Hanhimäki, B. Blumenau. - London : Routledge, 2013. - 331 p
Переклад назви: Міжнародна історія тероризму: західний та незахідний досвід


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The aim of this book is to provide readers with the tools to understand the historical evolution of terrorism and counterterrorism over the past 150 years. In order to appreciate the contemporary challenges posed by terrorism it is necessary to look at its evolution, at the different phases it has gone through, and the transformations it has experienced. The same applies to the solutions that states have come up with to combat terrorism: the nature of terrorism changes but still it is possible to learn from past experiences even though they are not directly applicable to the present. This book provides a fresh look at the history of terrorism by providing in-depth analysis of several important terrorist crises and the reactions to them in the West and beyond. The general framework is laid out in four parts: terrorism prior to the Cold War, the Western experience with terrorism, non-Western experiences with terrorism, and contemporary terrorism and anti-terrorism. The issues covered offer a broad range of historical and current themes, many of which have been neglected in existing scholarship; it also features a chapter on the waves phenomenon of terrorism against its international background. This book will be of much interest to students of terrorism studies, political violence, international history, security studies and IR.

тероризм -- історія -- досвід


The presidents [Electronic resource] : a reference history / ed. Henry F. Graff. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002. - 880 p
Переклад назви: Президенти: обрана історіографія


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This latest edition of The Presidents: A Reference History, coming only six years after the Second, is a tribute to its ever-enlarging role as a standard resource for students and the general public alike. This revision features important additions; they include an early assessment of President George W. Bush’s administration, already marked by unprecedented challenges to national security, and, of course a full account of President Bill Clinton’s two terms. One new essay views the history of the presidency as a whole, and another provides an authoritative history of the White House. The highly admired essay on First Ladies has been brought up to date as have the instructive Appendices: the General Bibliography on the Presidency, The Table of Presidential Data, and profile of The Executive Office of the President. All of the articles on the individual presidents were reviewed and revised where needed to accommodate fresh interpretations. Evaluations of recently published books update the bibliographies. Two full-color inserts vividly portray the social history of the presidency and election-related memorabilia, making more tangible how the U.S. Chief Executives are chosen and their daily life in office. As the twenty-first century opened, it was clear that any president might be caught in the toils of changes in the way fellow Americans perceive him—or conceivably— her. The huge amount of information daily offered to the public about the occupants of the White House is now a potent factor in shaping the conduct of the presidential office. Inevitably, the historic role of the Chief Executive as “leader” has been recast—and made more arduous. The news and entertainment media are unquenchable streams of tidbits of every kind about the First Family. Added to the press conferences, releases, and leaks, this boundless public knowledge about the inner workings of the Oval Office, for all its salutary value to a democratic society, has sometimes bred in the popular mind a dismaying cynicism about national government. Because the president of the United States—the POTUS in recent insider jargon— remains the only voice in the country that at any moment commands attention, the ability of the incumbent to maintain the prestige of the White House is vital to his to the 3rd Edition work as executive. Readers of this book will find that presidential esteem and power have had their ups and downs as forty-three holders of the office have handled its inherent difficulties. A comparison with past events may provide sufficient cause to believe that the presidency will remain vigorous and adaptable and continue to serve as the trustworthy pilot of the Great Republic.

історія США -- політика -- демократія -- консерватизм

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