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Allen, Howard W..
Race, Class, and the Death Penalty [Electronic resource] / H. W. Allen, J. M. Clubb. - Albany : State University of New York Press, 2008. - 256 p. - (Capital Punishment in American History)
Переклад назви: Раси, класи, і смертна кара


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No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

вироки -- раса -- життя

Тип видання: методичний посібник   

Arata, M. J.
Preventing Identity Theft For Dummies [Electronic resource] / M. J. Arata. - Hoboken : Wiley Publishing, 2004. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Запобігання крадіжки особистих даних для чайників


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Twenty-seven million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the last five years and the total cost of identity theft approaches $48 billion per year (total costs to businesses are $43 billion and the direct cost to consumers is $5 billion) These staggering statistics have prompted security consultant Michael Arata to provide readers with the resources they need to guard themselves against identity theft In this valuable book, Arata offers easy-to-follow, straightforward advice on understanding identity theft, minimizing risk, maintaining vigilance, choosing who to share personal information with, selecting hard-to-guess PINs, determining victimization, reviewing a credit report, charting a course of action, resolving credit problems, reclaiming good credit, and much more Explains how to recover successfully if identity theft does occur Author Michael Arata, CISSP, CPP, CFE, ACLM, is a veteran of the security industry with more than fifteen years of experience

злочин -- дані

Тип видання: методичний посібник   

Brown, G. W.
Understanding Business and Personal Law [Electronic resource] / G. W. Brown, P. A. Sukys. - New York : Glencoe, 2004. - 849 p.
Переклад назви: Розуміння бізнесу та особистого закону


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Understanding Business & Personal Law provides a thorough overview of the basics of law, including ethics and technology issues. Through journal activities, Internet research activities, and activities that encourage them to get involved in their communities, students get the hands-on practice they need to build a stronger understanding of chapter concepts.

закон -- право

Категорія: Соціологія   

Connell, R. W.
Gender and Power [Electronic resource] : society, the Person and Sexual Politics / R. W. Connell. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 1987. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Ґендер і влада: суспільство, особистість і сексуальна політика


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This book is an introductory textbook on sexual politics and an original contribution to the reformulation of social and political theory. In a discussion of, among other issues, psychoanalysis, Marxism and feminist theories, the structure of gender relations, and working class feminism, the author has produced a work of synthesis and scholarship which should be of interest to students and professionals in sociology, politics, women's studies and to anyone interested in the field of sexual politics.

ґендерна політика -- фемінізм -- психоаналіз -- толерантність

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Elegantia iuris civilis. Вибрані праці. [Електронний ресурс] / уклад.: В. І. Бірюков, Т. І. Бондарук, В. О. Бондарук ; Національна академія внутрішніх справ. - Київ : САК ЛТД, 2020. - 520 с.


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Видання «Elegantia iuris civilis» або «Юридичні тонкощі цивілістики», приóрочене до 80-річчя від дня народження і 45-річчя науково-педагогічної діяльності відомого цивіліста Івана Андрійовича Бірюкова. Окрім вибраних наукових творів у виданні подається коротка розвідка про життєвий і професійний шлях ювіляра та спроба наукового аналізу його творчого доробку. Видання містить біобібліографію та деякі інші матеріали.

право -- законодавство -- соціальні і правові норми

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Friedman, L.
Guarding life's dark secrets [Electronic resource] : legal and social controls over reputation, propriety and privacy / L. Friedman. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2007. - 360 p.
Переклад назви: Охоронюячи темні таємниці життя: правовий та соціальний контроль за репутацією, пристойністю і конфіденційністю


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Guarding Life's Dark Secrets tells the story of an intriguing aspect of the social and legal culture in the United States, the construction and destruction of a network of doctrines designed to protect reputation. The strict and unbending rules of decency and propriety of the nineteenth century, especially concerning sexual behavior, paradoxically provided ways to protect and shield respectable men and women who deviated from the official norms. This "Victorian compromise," which created an important zone of privacy, first came under attack from moralists for its tolerance of sin. During the second half of the twentieth century, the old structure was largely dismantled by an increasingly permissive society. Rich with anecdotes, Friedman's account draws us into the present. The Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution to include a right of privacy, which has given ordinary people increased freedom, especially in matters of sex, reproduction, and choice of intimate partners. The elite, however, no longer have the freedom they once had to violate decency rules with impunity. Although public figures may have lost some of their privacy rights, ordinary people have gained more privacy, greater leeway, and broader choices. These gains, however, are now under threat as technology transforms the modern world into a world of surveillance.

людська поведінка -- вихованість

Тип видання: життєпис   
Категорія: Релігія   

Guinn, Jeff.
Manson [Electronic resource] : the life and times of Charles Manson / Jeff Guinn. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 2013. - 512 p
Переклад назви: Менсон: життя і час Чарльза Менсона


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The most authoritative account ever written of how an ordinary juvenile delinquent named Charles Manson became the notorious murderer whose crimes still shock and horrify us today. More than forty years ago Charles Manson and his mostly female commune killed nine people, among them the pregnant actress Sharon Tate. It was the culmination of a criminal career that author Jeff Guinn traces back to Manson’s childhood. Guinn interviewed Manson’s sister and cousin, neither of whom had ever previously cooperated with an author. Childhood friends, cellmates, and even some members of the Manson Family have provided new information about Manson’s life. Guinn has made discoveries about the night of the Tate murders, answering unresolved questions, such as why one person on the property where the murders occurred was spared. Manson puts the killer in the context of his times, the turbulent late sixties, an era of race riots and street protests when authority in all its forms was under siege. Guinn shows us how Manson created and refined his message to fit the times, persuading confused young women (and a few men) that he had the solutions to their problems. At the same time he used them to pursue his long-standing musical ambitions, relocating to Los Angeles in search of a recording contract. His frustrated ambitions, combined with his bizarre race-war obsession, would have lethal consequences as he convinced his followers to commit heinous murders on successive nights. In addition to stunning revelations about Charles Manson, the book contains family photographs never before published.

біографія -- сектантство -- квазірелігійні уявлення -- сакральна злочинність

Тип видання: довідник   

Hoffman, S. K.
Identity theft [Electronic resource] : a reference handbook / S. K. Hoffman, T. G. McGinley. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2010. - 281 p. - (Contemporary World Issues)
Переклад назви: Крадіжка особистості: довідковий посібник


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What are the common forms of identity theft? Who are the most likely targets? What is law enforcement doing to counter a crime perpetrated not only by petty thieves and sophisticated con artists, but by terrorists, money-launderers, and those involved in human trafficking, drug trafficking, and illegal immigration? Identity Theft: A Reference Handbook examines these questions and more. With the 1998 Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act as its starting point, this informative volume begins by explaining the federal, state, and global definitions of identity theft and how the lack of a standardized approach masks the true pervasiveness of the problem. In addition to addressing the crime's perpetrators, methods, and victims, the book also looks at what individuals, businesses, and the government are doing—and should consider doing—to curb the growth of this crime.

персональні дані -- ідентифікатор особистості

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Huxtable, R.
Euthanasia, ethics and the law: from conflict to compromise [Electronic resource] / R. Huxtable. - Abingdon : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007. - 211 p. - (Biomedical Law & Ethics Library)
Переклад назви: Евтаназія, мораль та закон: від конфлікту до компромісу


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Euthanasia, Ethics and the Law argues that the law governing the ending of life in England and Wales is unclear, confused and often contradictory. The book shows that the rules are in competition because the ethical principles underlying the rules are also diverse and conflicting. In mounting his case Richard Huxtable considers some familiar and topical debates, including assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia, examining such situations as the Dianne Pretty litigation and Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill. The book also enters some important, but less well-charted areas, looking at the advent of 'death tourism' and the real status of involuntary and passive euthanasia in English law, in addition to clarifying the confusion that surrounds the use of powerful painkillers like morphine. Dealing with both legal and ethical issues, the text concludes that the time has come to more openly adopt a compromise position - one that more honestly recognises and accommodates the competing values, whilst also restoring a measure of coherence to the law.

припинення життя -- легка смерть

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Marshall, J.
Personal Freedom Through Human Rights Law? [Electronic resource] : autonomy, Identity and Integrity Under the European Convention on Human Rights / J. Marshall. - Leiden : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009. - 233 p.
Переклад назви: Особиста свобода завдяує галузі прав людини? : Автономія, ідентичність і цілісність відповідно до Європейської конвенції про права людини


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The European Court of Human Rights has interpreted this provision broadly to include a right to personal autonomy, identity and integrity. The book examines these concepts by interconnecting case law from the Court with the philosophical debates, including those in feminism, in four parts: personal freedom and human rights law; privacy and personal autonomy; personal identity; and bodily and moral integrity. The author notes, through her analysis of the Court's case law, that different versions of freedom are evident in the jurisprudence, including one which may restrict human freedom rather than enhance it through human rights law. This book will be invaluable to scholars of the Court, human rights and issues of the self.

права людини -- законодавство

Тип видання: енциклопедія   

Merriman, S. A.
Religion and the Law in America [Electronic resource] : an Encyclopedia of Personal Belief and Public Policy / S. A. Merriman. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2007
Переклад назви: Релігія і закон в Америці: Енциклопедія особистої віри та державної політики


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Vol. 1. - 547 p.

The relationship between church and state was contentious long before the framers of the Constitution undertook the bold experiment of separating the two, sparking a debate that would rage for centuries: What is the role of religion in government—and vice versa? Religion and the Law in America explores the many facets of this question, from prayer in public schools to the addition of the phrase "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, from government investigation of religious fringe groups to federal grants for faith-based providers of social services. In more than 250 A–Z entries, along with a series of broad, thematic essays, it examines the groups, laws, and court cases that have framed this ongoing debate. Through its careful, balanced exploration of the interaction between government and religion throughout the history of the United States, the work provides all Americans—students, scholars, and lay readers alike—with a deep understanding of one of the central, enduring issues in our history.

релігія -- право -- закон

Тип видання: наукове видання   

Murmann, U.
Die selbstverantwortung des opfers im strafrecht [Electronic resource] / U. Murmann. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - 602 S.
Переклад назви: Особиста відповідальність постраждалих в Кримінальному праві


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Kaum ein anderes strafrechtliches Thema wurde in den letzten Jahren so lebhaft diskutiert wie die Selbstverantwortung des Opfers. Die vorliegende Untersuchung entwickelt die Selbstverantwortung als zentrales Prinzip des Rechts. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich ein begr ndetes Prinzip der Opferselbstverantwortung nur in einem Recht denken l sst, das von der Autonomie der Beteiligten seinen Ausgang nimmt. Von dieser Basis, wie sie auch der Verfassung zugrunde liegt, wird die Bedeutung der Selbstverantwortung des Opfers in den strafrechtsdogmatischen Kategorien entfaltet - und es werden ihre immanenten Grenzen aufgezeigt.



Nader, L.
The Life of the Law [Electronic resource] : anthropological Projects / L. Nader. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2002. - 262 p.
Переклад назви: Життя законодавства: антропологічні проекти


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Laura Nader, an instrumental figure in the development of the field of legal anthropology, investigates an issue of vital importance for our time: the role of the law in the struggle for social and economic justice. In this book she gives an overview of the history of legal anthropology and at the same time urges anthropologists, lawyers, and activists to recognize the centrality of law in social change. Nader traces the evolution of the plaintiff's role in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century and passionately argues that the atrophy of the plaintiff's power during this period represents a profound challenge to justice and democracy. Taking into account the vast changes wrought in both anthropology and the law by globalization, Nader speaks to the increasing dominance of large business corporations and the prominence of neoliberal ideology and practice today. In her discussion of these trends, she considers the rise of the alternative dispute resolution movement, which since the 1960s has been part of a major overhaul of the U.S. judicial system. Nader links the increasing popularity of this movement with the erosion of the plaintiff's power and suggests that mediation as an approach to conflict resolution is structured to favor powerful--often corporate--interests.

законодавство -- історія

Тип видання: монографія   

Nissenbaum, H.
Privacy in context: technology, policy, and the integrity of social life [Electronic resource] / H. Nissenbaum. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2010. - 305 p.
Переклад назви: Недоторканість приватого життя в контексті технологій, політики та цілісності соціального життя


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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IS CONSIDERED A MAJOR THREAT TO privacy because it enables pervasive surveillance, massive databases, and lightning- speed distribution of information across the globe. In fact, privacy has been one of the most enduring social issues associated with digital electronic information technologies. A fi xture in public discourse at least since the 1960s, when the dominant concern was massive databases of government and other large institutions housed in large stand- alone computers, concerns have multiplied in type and extent as radical transformations of the technology have yielded the remarkable range of present- day systems, including distributed networking; the World Wide Web; mobile devices; video, audio, and biometric surveillance; global positioning; ubiquitous computing; social networks; sensor networks; databases of compiled information; data mining; and more. Associated with each of these developments is a set of worries about privacy.


Тип видання: наукове видання   

Responsible Parents and Parental Responsibility [Electronic resource] / ed. R. Probert, S. Gilmore, J. Herring. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 354 p.
Переклад назви: Відповідальні батьки та особиста відповідальність


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This book examines the idea of 'parental responsibility' in English law and what is expected of a responsible parent. The scope of 'parental responsibility', a key concept in family law, is undefined and often ambiguous. Yet, to date, more attention has been paid to how individuals acquire parental responsibility than to the question of the rights, powers, duties and responsibilities they have once they obtain it. This book redresses the balance by providing the first sustained examination of the different elements of parental responsibility, bringing together leading scholars to comment on specific aspects of its operation. The book begins by exploring the conceptual underpinnings of parental responsibility in the context of parents' and children's rights. The analysis highlights the inherent constraints and limitations of 'parental responsibility' and how its scope has deliberately been curtailed in certain contexts. The book then considers what parental responsibility allows and requires in specific areas, for example, naming a child, education, religious upbringing, medical treatment, corporal punishment, dealing with any contracts entered into or property owned by the child, representing the child in legal proceedings, consenting to a child's marriage or civil partnership and the law's response to the death of a child. In the final section, the idea of the 'responsible parent' is considered in the contexts of child support, contact, tort, and criminal law.

батьківські права -- батьківські обов'язки


Rhode, D. L.
The Beauty Bias [Electronic resource] : the Injustice of Appearance in Life and Law / D. L. Rhode. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. - 252 p.
Переклад назви: Краса змін: Несправедливість зовнішнього вигляду в житті і законі


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The Beauty Bias explores the social, biological, market, and media forces that have contributed to appearance-related problems, as well as feminism's difficulties in confronting them. The book also reviews why it matters. Appearance-related bias infringes fundamental rights, compromises merit principles, reinforces debilitating stereotypes, and compounds the disadvantages of race, class, and gender. Yet only one state and a half dozen localities explicitly prohibit such discrimination. The Beauty Bias provides the first systematic survey of how appearance laws work in practice, and a compelling argument for extending their reach. The book offers case histories of invidious discrimination and a plausible legal and political strategy for addressing them. Our prejudices run deep, but we can do far more to promote realistic and healthy images of attractiveness, and to reduce the price of their pursuit.

дискримінація -- закон


Schauer, F.
Playing by the Rules [Electronic resource] : a Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and in Life / F. Schauer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Гра за правилами: Філософське розгляд на основі правил прийняття рішень в області права і в житті


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Rules are a central component of such diverse enterprises as law, morality, language, games, religion, etiquette, and family governance, but there is often confusion about what a rule is, and what rules do. Offering a comprehensive philosophical analysis of these questions, this book challenges much of the existing legal, jurisprudential, and philosophical literature, by seeing a significant role for rules, an equally significant role for their stricter operation, and making the case for rules as devices for the allocation of power among decision-makers.

правила -- правознавство -- робота


Vitale, Alex S..
City of Disorder [Electronic resource] : how the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics / A. S. Vitale. - New York : New York University Press, 2008. - 247 p.
Переклад назви: Місто безладу: як кампанія за підвищення якості життя трансформувала політику міської влади Нью-Йорка


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From 1990 to 1993 I directed civil rights policy for the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness, and during that time I witnessed the beginning of what would become a national backlash against homeless people. San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos had made extensive efforts to address what appeared at first to be a short-term problem made worse by the economic slowdown of the early 1980s and then exacerbated by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, which damaged a significant amount of the city’s low-cost housing. Within a few years, however, the problem had become worse, with homeless people encamped throughout the city, undermining the usability of parks, sidewalks, and other public spaces. The mayor’s response was to begin to target homeless people in certain high-visibility areas of the city such as Golden Gate Park, the Civic Center, and Union Square. Through aggressive ticketing by police and outreach efforts by social workers, he attempted to restore order to those parts of the city. His efforts, however, were unsuccessful, as he lacked both the housing and services to move people off the streets and the willingness to fully engage the police in a program of harassment, intimidation, and arrests. By 1992, public frustration with Agnos’s failure to “solve” homelessness through either progressive or regressive means resulted in his ouster. He was replaced by the city’s police chief, Frank Jordan, who campaigned on a platform of removing the homeless and restoring order through aggressive policing. In 1993 he initiated the “Matrix” program, which gave the police new authority and political backing for a concerted crackdown on public homelessness. Encampments were removed from public parks and plazas; thousands of tickets were issued for minor legal violations; and hundreds of homeless people were sent to jail. Despite these aggressive efforts to restore order, the number of people without a place to live continued to increase and public order remained impaired, with the problem often being shifted from the central city to outlying neighborhoods. Although Jordan’s backlash brought limited relief to a handful of targeted areas, it also engendered misery, anger, and hopelessness in thousands of homeless people.

безпритульні -- вулична злочинність -- наркоманія -- муніципальна політика

Тип видання: методичний посібник   

Warner, R.
101 law forms for personal use [Electronic resource] / R. Warner, R. Leonard. - 5th. ed. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2005. - 375 p.
Переклад назви: 101 правова форма для особистого використання


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Whether selling a car, expanding a kitchen, or hiring child care, people need to look out for their time, interest and money. "Putting it in writing" protects their rights, and this book can help. The title contains 101 clearly written forms that cover the legal issues people are most likely to face every day.

правознавство -- юриспруденція

Тип видання: навчальний посібник   

Warner, R.
101 law forms for personal use [Electronic resource] / R. Warner, R. Leonard. - 6th. ed. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2007. - 394 p.
Переклад назви: 101 форма права для особистого використання


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Whether selling a car, expanding a kitchen, or hiring child care, people need to look out for their time, interest and money. "Putting it in writing" protects their rights, and this book can help. The title contains 101 clearly written forms that cover the legal issues people are most likely to face every day.

правознавство -- юриспруденція

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