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Poelzl, Volker.
Portugal [Electronic resource] / Volker Poelzl. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2009. - 321 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Португалія


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This book would not have been possible without the generous support of my friends, family and the many Portuguese who have provided valuable insights, information and assistance. In Tucson, Arizona, I want to thank Carly and Stu for their hospitality and friendship. Thanks also to ‘Los Bandidos’ Shay and Ben, for the much-needed musical diversion, and to Shellie for her friendship, generosity and support while fi nishing the manuscript. In Portugal, I would like to thank Francisco and his cousin Carla for their companionship and hospitality. Thanks also to the international community in Lisbon, especially Rebeca and Gianluca, who have shared many of their insights and observations with me. Thanks also to Mário and Fernando who have provided valuable information. Special thanks to Marjan who let me use her laptop computer after I spilled water over mine, and to Katharina for her companionship on explorations in Lisbon and beyond, and for her special insights and advice. I would also like to thank my mother for her generosity and company during her visit to Portugal. I would also like to mention my gratitude to the staff of many tourist information offi ces and historic sights all over Portugal, who have patiently and diligently answered my many questions. Special thanks go to the staff of the Archeological Park in Vila Nova de Foz Côa, the Museu da Terra de Miranda in Miranda do Douro, the tourist information in Bragança, Jorge at the palace convent in Mafra, the very helpful staff at the Braga tourist offi ce, and the always available staff at the various touristoffi ces in Lisbon. Thanks also to the staff at the Videoteca, the Fonoteca, as ellastheCampoPequeno, Graçaand Belém public libraries in Lisbon for their helpfulness.

туризм -- путівник -- історія Португалії

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