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Kieckhefer, Richard.
Theology in Stone [Electronic resource] : church architecture from Byzantium to Berkeley / Richard Kieckhefer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. - 390 p.
Переклад назви: Богослов'я у камені: церковна архітектура від Візантії до Берклі


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Church architecture is a contentious field of inquiry. Polemics, dogmatism, and caricature abound. It would be unrealistic to think any book could resolve the controversies, but a fresh look at the most basic questions about churches, their meanings and their uses, may prove useful to all sides. The incentive to write this book was mixed: it grew out of historical interest, but also out of an urge to see more clearly what churches have meant and what they can mean for communities that buildand use them. It might seem that the first four chapters deal with theological questions, while the extended case studies that follow shift the focus to history—but in fact theolog and history are intertwined throughout.

культові споруди -- архітектура -- церковне життя

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