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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Kimmel, P.
Visual Basic .NET unleashed [Electronic resource] / P. Kimmel. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2002. - 784 p.


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Visual Basic.NET Unleashed is a complete book on the fundamentals of programming with a fully object-oriented language filled with new idioms and capabilities. In addition to the fundamentals


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Shrout, R.
Working with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 team system [Electronic resource] / R. Shrout. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2006. - 336 p.


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This book will be of interest to most members of software development teams. These include, but are not limited to, project managers, architects, developers, and testers. Team members in these roles interact directly with Team System. On the periphery of a project, IT operations professionals can benefit from using Team System to negotiate a successful software deployment, thus making their jobs easier. Beyond this core team, any project stakeholder or other developer can use this book to learn the capabilities of Team System and what to expect of a team that uses it properly.

прогамування -- система

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Levy, S.
Hackers: heroes of the computer revolution [Electronic resource] / S. Levy. - New York : Dell, 1994. - 455 p.


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I was first drawn to writing about hackers those computer programmers and designers who regard computing as the most important thing in the world because they were such fascinating people. Though some in the field used the term "hacker" as a form of derision, implying that hackers were either nerdy social outcasts or "unprofessional" programmers who wrote dirty, "nonstandard" computer code, I found them quite different. Beneath their often unimposing exteriors, they were adventurers, visionaries, risk-takers, artists ... and the ones who most clearly saw why the computer was a truly revolutionary tool. Among themselves, they knew how far one could go by immersion into the deep concentration of the hacking mind-set: one could go infinitely far. I came to understand why true hackers consider the term an appellation of honor rather than a pejorative.

прогамування -- взлом

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Алексанкин, В. Г.
Borland C++ Builder [Електронний ресурс] / В. Г. Алексанкин, Н. Елманова. - М. : Interface Ltd, 2000


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Borland C++ Builder - выпущенное недавно компанией Borland средство быстрой hазработки приложений, позволяющее создавать приложения на языке C++, используя при этом среду разработки и библиотеку компонентов Delphi. В настоящей статье рассматривается среда разработки C++ Builder и основные приемы, применяемые при проектировании пользовательского интерфейса.

мова прогамування -- алгоритм

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