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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Rubin, E.
Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework Kick Start [Electronic resource] / E. Rubin, R. Yates. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2003. - 600 p.
Переклад назви: Microsoft® .NET Compact Framework. Швидкий старт


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Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start is the fastest path to mastering the Microsoft.NET Compact Framework-Microsoft's next generation development framework for creating complex applications for the Pocket PC and Windows CE platforms. Using it, you can leverage your knowledge of C# or Visual Basic programming by using the same languages on devices. With this book you'll come away understanding how to develop compelling applications for the Pocket PC and Windows CE platforms. You'll be able to create complex user interfaces, interact with local and remote databases, communicate over networks, and much more. You can do this using either the new C# language or the newly updated, completely object-oriented, Visual Basic.NET. After reading this book, you will be forever freed from the steep learning curve needed to write complex applications for the Pocket PC or Windows CE in C or C++. Even if you have limited exposure to C# or Visual Basic .NET you'll gain skills needed to develop for the Pocket PC and Windows CE.

програмна платформа -- мобільне програмування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Rubini, A.
Linux device drivers [Electronic resource] / A. Rubini, J. Corbet. - 2th. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2001. - 564 p.
Переклад назви: Драйвера в Linux


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This is, on the surface, a book about writing device drivers for the Linux system. That is a worthy goal, of course; the flow of new hardware products is not likely to slow down anytime soon, and somebody is going to have to make all those new gadgets work with Linux. But this book is also about how the Linux kernel works and how to adapt its workings to your needs or interests. Linux is an open system; with this book, we hope, it will be more open and accessible to a larger community of developers.

пристрій -- операційна система -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Rubin, S. M.
Computer Aids for VLSI Design [Electronic resource] / S. M. Rubin. - [S. l. : s. n.], 1994
Переклад назви: Комп'ютери для проектування VLSI


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The subject of VLSI systems spans a broad range of disciplines, including semiconductor devices and processing, integrated electronic circuits, digital logic, design disciplines and tools for creating complex systems, and the architecture, algorithms, and applications of complete VLSI systems. The Addison-Wesley VLSI Systems Series is being organized as a set of textbooks and research references that present the best current work across this exciting and diverse field, with each book providing for its subject a perspective that ties it to related disciplines. Computer Aids for VLSI Design by Steven Rubin presents a broad and coherent view of the computational tools available to the VLSI designer. This book contains insights and information that will be valuable both to chip designers and to tool builders. Modern VLSI computer aided design (CAD) systems allow the chip designer to access in a consistent and convenient way a variety of synthesis and analysis tools. Such tools have advanced considerably in the past several years, both in their scope and in their ability to handle large designs. Part of what distinguishes the expert chip designer from the novice is an understanding the entire suite of tools that are available, and how they work together to support the design flow of a project. One can come to understand the capabilities and limitations of individual tools in some cases from their external interfaces and roles in the design process. In other cases it is useful to appreciate how the tools work internally. Rubin presents both perspectives for all of the important categories of synthesis and analysis tools. The exposition is readily understandable to anyone familiar with chip design and computer programming. The starting point for this book was a design system called "Electric," which Rubin designed and programmed almost single-handedly over the past four years. Electric is a complete and elegant system that has been used for the design and verification of many chips. The book is not a "manual" for using Electric. Rather, Electric is used as a vehicle for exposing design choices and internal interfaces that are common to many of the advanced design systems currently available. Thus this book allows one to learn in a realistic setting something of the art practiced by VLSI design system developers.

графіка -- утиліта

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