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Foot, Sarah.
Aethelstan [Electronic resource] : the first king of England / Sarah Foot. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2011. - 305 p
Переклад назви: Етельстан: перший король Англії

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It has proved an odd experience to find myself writing a biography at thesame time as my husband, the modern British historian and historiographe Michael Bentley. While I have explored a shadowy tenth-century king, he has worked on the life of a leading twentieth-century historian, Regius Professor, head of a Cambridge college and Vice-Chancellor of his university. Outwardly, our tasks could not be more different: his subject, Sir Herbert Butterfield, left not only a large body of historical writing but also a huge personal archive, complemented by a wider public record. Mine left no personal records at all and, despite his claim to fame as England’s first monarch, is ill-attested in the contemporary record and subsequent historiography. Yet in many ways we have grappled with similar difficulties and have benefited substantially from sharing our methodological perspectives. This life reflects that mutual journey towards making our subjects biographable. ithout Michael’s historical perceptions, his unsentimental criticism and unstinting support, this book would have been greatly impoverished; it is dedicated to him with loving gratitude. He bears no responsibility, however, for my decision to make the attempt, which is one I owe to my former research students, particularly Morn Capper and Martha Riddiford. It was they who first persuaded me that I should resurrect a project first begun as an undergraduate and revitalized by the invitation to write a short biography of бthelstan for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. They went on asking, ‘How’s бthelstan?’ at regular intervals not only until I started to write, but whenever I seemed to be flagging as the project progressed. I hope they – and also Geoff Little, who took with typical equanimity this invasion onto what he might have seen as his own territory – feel that the resulting book was worth the wait. Simon Keynes has been a constant source of information and advice throughout the gestation of the project; he supervised the original BA dissertation from which all followed and has continued to offer help and stimulating advice throughout. That I have not always followed his lead is not for want of his trying to persuade me to see things differently. I could not have completed this without his guidance. At a critical moment – when the project seemed to have flagged to the point of morbidity – Nicholas Brooks provided a badly needed appraisal of what ought to happen, the more valuable for his robust refusal to soften critical recommendations. Susan Kelly has consistently provided much support and substantial assistance with the charter material. I am extremely grateful to George Molyneaux for sharing a chapter of his Oxford DPhil thesis with me and for reading and commenting in detail on two of my chapters, thereby saving me from numerous errors and infelicities. Jinty Nelson and Edmund King have also struggled with writing lives of medieval kings, albeit ones whom history has served a good deal better than бthelstan, and I am grateful for a number of discussions over the years and their advice on specific problems. The completion of the project would have been impossible without a research leave award from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, for which I acknowledge my gratitude, and also to the History Department at Sheffield for matching that leave and releasing me from teaching and especially administrative burdens. In the final stages my new colleagues in Oxford have offered continuing support. Among them I should thank particularly Judith Maltby, whose sense of what a seventeenth-century king might do and think have often provided helpful comparisons, and also John Watts, who once approached a medieval English monarch’s life from an entirely different perspective. Latterly, Laura Ashe has provided a useful foil on whom to bounce some of my wilder ideas and an invaluable source of advice on points of detail, especially in the translation of Old and Middle English.

Альбіон -- історія Англії -- монархія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

History Of Britain & Ireland [Electronic resource] : the definitive visual guide / add. text S. Kennedy. - 1st american ed.. - New York : Dorling Kindersley, 2011. - 400 p.
Переклад назви: Історія Британії та Ірландії: науково-популярне керівництво


Географічні рубрики:

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From the Roman conquest of 43 CE to the Norman conquest of 1066 and from the Elizabethan age of Shakespeare to the Iraq and Afghan wars of the 21st century, DK's History of Britain and Ireland traces the key events that shaped the societies living in the British Isles from the earliest times to the present day. History of Britain and Ireland is the definitive visual guide to 5,000 years of British history. It includes a comprehensive timeline chronicling key events in the history of Britain and Ireland, in addition to "decisive moment" spreads that vividly describe turning points in British history. It also profiles the people who have had a significant impact on British culture and society through their inventions, discoveries, and ideas.

Альбіон -- Англія -- Ірландія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Lapidge, Michael.
The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England [Electronic resource] / Michael Lapidge, John Blair, Simon Keynes. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - 608 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія англосаксонської Англії

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Widely acknowledged as the essential reference work for this period, this volume brings together more than 700 articles written by 150 top scholars that cover the people, places, activities, and creations of the Anglo-Saxons.

Альбіон -- Гептархія -- вікінги -- раннє Середньовіччя

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McDowall, David.
An illustrated history of Britain [Electronic resource] / David McDowall. - London : Longman, 1989. - 194 p
Переклад назви: Ілюстрована історія Британії

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An Illustrated History of Britain traces the development of the nation from prehistoric times to the present day. It looks at British history not merely in termsof kings, queens and battles, but also emphasises economic, social and intellectual forces and how these affected the everyday lives of people from different sections of society. An Illustrated History of Britain is a history of Britain, not just of England. It looks at major developments within Scotland, Wales and Ireland as well as their relations with England.

Альбіон -- Шотландія -- Уельс -- культура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Азимов, Айзек.
История Англии [Електронний ресурс] : от ледникового периода до Великой хартии вольностей / Айзек Азимов. - М. : Центрполиграф, 2004. - 504 с.


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В книге А. Азимова собраны ценнейшие научные данные из истории Англии. Повествование охватывает исторические события, начиная с ледникового периода и заканчивая временами Великой хартии вольностей. Автор исследует влияние других цивилизаций – римлян, викингов – на развитие политики, науки, религии и культуры этого государства.

Британія -- Альбіон -- нормани -- англо-сакси

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Блэк, Джереми.
История Британских островов [Електронний ресурс] / Джереми Блэк. - СПб. : Евразия, 2008. - 544 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Книга Джереми Блэка, известного ученого, профессора Экзетерского университета, освещает историю Британских островов с древнейших времен до наших дней. Британские острова - это не только Англия, но еще и Шотландия, Ирландия и Уэльс. Автор полагает, что картина английской истории вне контекста внутренних взаимоотношений всех островов британского архипелага страдает неполнотой. Британия никогда не была однородной в этническом отношении государством, именно это обстоятельство наложило отпечаток на всю историю этой страны и в конечном итоге привело к появлению Великой Британской Империи. Рассматривая политические, социальные, экономические и культурные аспекты истории Великобритании, английский историк особое внимание уделяет влиянию внутренних взаимоотношений различных частей страны на внешнюю политику этого государства.

історія Великобританії -- історія Ірландії -- британська культура -- Альбіон

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