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Spencer, Herbert.
El individuo contra el Estado [Electronic resource] / Herbert Spencer. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2005. - 93 p.
Переклад назви: Людина проти держави


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

La obra que aquí presentamos, El individuo contra el Estado del famoso sociólogo británico Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), está compuesta por una recopilación de ensayos que sería publicada en 1884 bajo el sugestivo título deThe man versus the State.

англійська філософія -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Spencer, Robert.
Islam unveiled [Electronic resource] : disturbing questions about the world’s fastest-growing faith / Robert Spencer. - New York : Encounter Books, 2002. - 228 p
Переклад назви: Іслам скидає паранджу: порушуючи питання щодо найшвидше міцніючої релігії світу


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The book's cover displays a chilling photograph of the eyes of Mohammed Atta, one of the Islamic terrorist hijackers involved in the September 11 2001 atrocities. A fitting lead into this study of Islam and the underlying hatred behind these and other acts of terrorism. The writer has been a student of Islam for some 20 years and tries to explain without bias, what he personally declares as some of the misconceptions surrounding Islam. Whilst I might not agree with everything that the book contains, it is very well written and an extremely useful reference for those wishing to study these issues. The book states at the outset that most Westerners know very little about Islam and had little or no idea of the depth of hatred and hostility facing the West prior to September 11. The writer proceeds to declare that whilst the very many innocent Moslems should not be held guilty by association following these terrorist attacks, the likes of Osama bin Laden and co. actually meant precisely what they said & far from being extremists or perverters of Islam, they actually interpret Islam's tenets correctly. The book addresses how for many decades, endless incidents of violence, murder & terrorism have been publicly declared as `having nothing to do with Islam'. Claims still being echoed by senior Western politicians who blindly insist that Islam is a `peaceful religion' ignoring Islamic calls for worldwide domination and the destruction of the West and Israel. The book stating that to bracket Islam and peace is just wishful thinking with reference to the Islamic fighting against it's neighbours along the perimeter of the Islamic world, citing the violence against Hindus in India, Communists & Buddhists, Chinese, Jews and some `Christian' entities. Islamic `tolerance' of other religions is also studied with reference to the Quranic statement that `anyone who converts from Islam to Christianity deserves to die'. Numerous incidents are mentioned where those refusing to convert to Islam have been instantly executed on the spot.

іслам -- мусульманський світ -- релігійний фундаменталізм

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Spence, C.
Sams teach yourself Microsoft® SharePoint™ 2003 in 10 minutes [Electronic resource] / C. Spence, M. Noel. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2004. - 224 p.
Переклад назви: Самовчитель Microsoft® SharePoint 2003 за 10 хвилин


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Sams Teach Yourself SharePoint 2003 in 10 Minutes is the first quick reference book for users of SharePoint 2003. Easy-to-follow instructions for the most common tasks in SharePoint 2003 are the basis of this book, which also provides answers to the most commonly asked questions about using SharePoint 2003. As an end-user, you will learn the basic skills needed to work successfully with a SharePoint Services website, as well as contribute to document libraries and discussion groups. As a site administrator, you will learn fundamental skills needed to effectively manage SharePoint Services site collections. Best of all, it will only take about 10 minutes of your time to do so. Sams Teach Yourself SharePoint 2003 in 10 Minutes will prove to be a worthy investment of your two most valuable commodities: time and money.

програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Spencer, Robert.
The truth about Muhammad [Electronic resource] : founder of the world's most intolerant religion / Robert Spencer. - Massachusetts : Regnery Publishing, 2006. - 244 p
Переклад назви: Правда про Мухамеда : засновник найбільш нетерпимої релігії світу


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This is not a comprehensive biography of the Prophet of Islam, although it does provide a general outline of the trajectory of his career. Above all, it is an examination of some aspects of his life that non-Muslims find problematic, and that are used by Muslims today to justify violent actions or other behavior not in accord with Western notions of human rights and the dignity of the human person. Western readers will learn why moderate Muslims —on whom Western governments and law enforcement officials are placing so much hope —appear so weak and marginalized compared to jihadist movements in the Islamic world. And they will learn why Muslims find Muhammad's example so compelling, and why that example can be used to justify such widely divergent actions. Along the way, I will show how popular views of Muhammad and Islam have been shaped in the English-speaking world and the West in general, and reveal some of the biases of those who did the shaping.

іслам -- мусульманський світ -- історія релігії

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