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Stephan, John J..
The Russian Fascists: Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945 [Electronic resource] / J. J. Stephan. - New York : Harper & Row, 1978. - 450 p.
Переклад назви: Російські фашисти: трагедія та фарс у вигнанні, 1925-1945


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This is the absorbing story of a quixotic crusade by a group of Russian émigrés to take over the Soviet Union , dislodge its Communist rulers , and establish a fascist state there. Rich in irony , humor , and not a little pathos , The Russian Fascists provides the first full account of this small but dynamic element within the Russian emigration. Cast out by the Revolution and now powerless, these exiles tried to compensate for their political impotence by engaging in desperate fantasies . Eager to reestablish themselves in their homeland , they sought collaboration with anyone who catered to their illusions--Chinese warlords , Japanese generals , Nazi satraps and eventually , Josef Stalin.

біла еміграція -- фашизм -- російський імперіалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Beyer, Stephan.
Magic and Ritual in Tibet [Electronic resource] : the cult of Tara / S. Beyer. - Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2001. - 578 p.
Переклад назви: Тібетська магія та ритуальні відправи: культ Тари


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

"The real history of man is the history of religion." The truth of the famous dictum of Max Miiller, the father of the History M of Religions, is nowhere so obvious as in Tibet. Western students have observed that religion and magic pervade not only the forms of Tibetan art, politics, and society, but also every detail of ordinary human existence. And what is the all-pervading religion of Tibet? The Buddhism of that country has been described to us, of course, but that does not mean the question has been answered. The unique importance of Stephan Beyer's work is that it presents the vital material ignored or slighted by others: the living ritual of Tibetan Buddhists. The reader is made a witness to cultic proceedings through which the author guides him carefully. He does not force one to accept easy explanations nor does he direct one's attention only to aspects that can be counted on to please. He leads one step by step, without omitting anything, through entire rituals, and interprets whenever necessary without being unduly obtrusive. Oftentimes, as in the case of the many hymns to the goddess Tara, the superb translations speak directly to the reader, and it is indeed as if the reader himself were present at the ritual. If any blame attaches to this book, it is that it presents itself too modestly. It is, in fact, the first major work on the core of Tibetan life. I do not want to imply that all the most meaningful things in Tibetan culture or religion have been overlooked by others. The author begins his work with a discussion of great Western scholars who have studied Tibet before him. Few students, however, have been able or willing to deal extensively with the cultic procedures of Tibetan Buddhism. Instead they have focused on other subjects, such as the sublime paintings and sculptures of Tibet, the philosophical texts, the biographies of saints. These subjects are no doubt important, but their treatment has too often left the general impression of Tibetan religion as a collection of primitive customs and odd superstitions.

буддизм -- тантричний культ -- бодгісаттва

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