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Пошуковий запит: (<.>TJ=THE UKR. BIOCHEM. J.<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 351
Представлено документи з 1 до 20
1.Ж21341/а Mikosha A. S. Biochemical effects of estrogens in non-reproductive organs [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.10-23
2.Ж21341/а Кондратюк Ю. Ю. Протеоміка бобово-ризобіального симбіозу: досягнення та перспективи [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.24-37
3.Ж21341/а Nozdrenko D. M. Aluminum chloride effect on Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase activity and dynamic parameters of skeletal muscle contraction [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.38-45
4.Ж21341/а Bobrovnik S. A. Fundamental differences between natural antibodies and polyreactive immunoglobulins [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.46-53
5.Ж21341/а Shlykov S. G. Calmodulin antagonists effect on Ca2+ level in the mitochondria and cytoplasm of myometrium cells [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.54-60
6.Ж21341/а Danylovych Yu. V. Electrochemical potential of the inner mitochondrial membrane and Ca2+ homeostasis of myometrium cells [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.61-71
7.Ж21341/а Lehka L. V. The role of reactive oxygen species in tumor cells apoptosis induced by landomycin A [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.72-82
8.Ж21341/а Halenova T. I. The search of compounds with antiaggregation activity among S-esters of thiosulfonic acids [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.83-92
9.Ж21341/а Falfushynska H. I. Manifestations of oxidative stress and molecular damages in ovarian cancer tissue [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.93-102
10.Ж21341/а Tykhomyrov A. A. Plasminogen and angiostatin levels in female benign breast lesions [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.103-112
11.Ж21341/а Parilova O. O. Interconnection between nitric oxide formation and hypersensitivity parameters under guinea pig model of acute asthma with multiple challenges [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.113-123
12.Ж21341/а Rosalovsky V. P. Changes in glutathione system and lipid peroxidation in rat blood during the first hour after chlorpyrifos exposure [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.124-132
13.Ж21341/а Hurmach V. V. New conformational properties of SH2 domain binding pocket [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 5.-С.133-140
14.Ж21341/а Lushchak V. I. Free radicals, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stresses and their classifications [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.11-18
15.Ж21341/а Капля А. А. Перепрограммирование энергетического метаболизма митохондрий в злокачественных новообразованиях [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.19-35
16.Ж21341/а Kryvdiuk I. V. Inhibition of IRE1 modifies effect of glucose deprivation on the expression of TNFalpha-related genes in U87 glioma cells [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.36-51
17.Ж21341/а Minchenko O. H. Effect of hypoxia on the expression of genes that encode some IGFBP and CCN proteins in U87 glioma cells depends on IRE1 signaling [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.52-63
18.Ж21341/а Tarasenko A. S. The effect of nitric oxide on synaptic vesicle proton gradient and mitochondrial potential of brain nerve terminals [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.64-75
19.Ж21341/а Nozdrenko D. M. The effect of the aluminum chloride - quercetin complex on Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase activity and contraction dynamic properties of muscle tibialis anterior from Rana temporaria [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.76-85
20.Ж21341/а Vadzyuk O. B. Protective effects of potassium transport in mitochondria from rat myometrium under activation of mitochondrial permeability transition pore [] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2015. т.Т. 87,N № 6.-С.86-94

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