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1.Ж14162 Curses A. Benefaction of two Turkish lignites by selective oil agglomeration [Текст] 22: 1 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.48-52
2.Ж14162 Sami S. M. Capillary tubes behaviour with some CFC-502 alternative refrigerants [Текст] 23: 1-2 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.106-115
3.Ж14162 Cheng Lixin. Lixin Characteristics of upward flow boiling heat transfer and frictional pressure drop in a vertically internally ribbed tube [Текст] 22: 3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.9-16
4.Ж14162 Grabov L. N. Cocoon Drying Process and Equipment [Текст] 21: 6 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.28-30
5.Ж14162 Coiffard L. Computation of the availability destroyed in offset strip-fin heat exchangers [Текст] 21: 2-3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.96-102
6.Ж14162 Seporaitis M. Controlled condensation implosion in case of water-steam contact [Текст] 23: 4-5 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.21-24
7.Ж14162 Adeleke J. Determination of interfacial heat transfer coefficient from measured temperature profiles in sand-casting process [Текст] 23: 3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.5-10
8.Ж14162 Grishin M. Development of a simplified drying rate evaluation method based on the calculation of kinetic process [Текст] 22: 2 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.44-46
9.Ж14162 Badyda K. Emission changes of air pollutants from power generation industry in Poland [Текст] 23: 4-5 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.149-154
10.Ж14162 Menshutina N. V. Experimental research of influence of sas additions and dispersed solid phase fillers on dewatering kinetics of single latex drops during spraying [Текст] 21: 4-5 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.85-88
11.Ж14162 Mariscal I. C. Experimental study of the flow dynamics and the local heat transfer on a pipe surface with inclined fins [Текст] 23: 1-2 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.15-23
12.Ж14162 Kopp I. Z. Heat transfer in one-sided induction heating of a rectangular bar in a liquid [Текст] 23: 4-5 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.68-73
13.Ж14162 Devia F. Investigation of natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal isothermal plate by schlieren tomography [Текст] 21: 2-3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.12-18
14.Ж14162 Dukalska L. Investigations on the obtaining of dry powder from vegetables and from the processing by-products of them [Текст] 21: 2-3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.62-67
15.Ж14162 Plume I. Mass and heat transfer within composting process in container [Текст] 23: 4-5 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.33-38
16.Ж14162 Frogheri M. Multidimensional aspects in single-phase natural circulation [Текст] 21: 2-3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.41-47
17.Ж14162 Sastry Sudhir K. Noninvasive measurement of temperature within a continuously flowing solid-liquid mixture [Текст] 23: 3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.128-131
18.Ж14162 Ouchiha Z. Numerical study of heat and confined flow coupling effects around a cylinder [Текст] 23: 1-2 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.57-66
19.Ж14162 Honner M. Optimal heating control system for continuous furnaces [Текст] 23: 3 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.105-111
20.Ж14162 Horuz I. Performance analysis of double-effect absorption air-conditioners using water and lithium bromide [Текст] 22: 2 // Пром. теплотехника.-С.31-35

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