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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Chen L$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 13
Представлено документи з 1 до 13
1.Ж14160 Du C. W. Latent membrane protein-1 of Epstein - Barr virus increases sensitivity to arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell [Текст] 27: 4 // Эксперим. онкология.-С.267-272
2.Ж14160 Chen L. -J. Conventional and molecular cytogenetic features of myelodysplastic syndrome in China [Текст] 29: 4 // Эксперим. онкология.-С.299-303
3.Ж14160 Chen L. -J. Molecular cytogenetic aberrations in patients with multiple myeloma studied by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization [Текст] 29: 2 // Эксперим. онкология.-С.116-120
4.Ж29109 Погрелюк І. М. Вплив нестехіометрії нітриду титану <$E bold {roman TiN} sub x> на ступінь його модифікування киснем [Текст] 45: 4 // Фіз.-хім. механіка матеріалів.-С.81-88
5.Ж26810 Tolstanova G. Role of VEGF in experimental ulcerative colitis: implication of intestinal vascular permeability in tissue injury [Текст] 55: 1 // Фізіол. журн.-С.106-107
6.Ж14063 Chen Liang Green's function method to the ground state properties of a two-component Bose - Einstein condensate [Текст] 37: 7 // Физика низ. температур.-С.708-714
7.Ж41279 Li Ch.-Y. Theoretical studies of the local structures and EPR parameters for Cu2+ center in Cd2(NH4)2(SO4)3 single crystal [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2015. т.Т. 18,N № 4.-С.43701
8.Ж14159 Chen L. Nano-scratching resistance of high-chromium white cast iron and its correlation with wear of cBN tool in machining [] // Сверхтвердые материалы, 2017,N № 5.-С.86-95
9.Ж61773 Wei Y. H. Effect of pin diameters on the wear characteristics of friction pairs [] // Проблеми міцності, 2019,N № 1.-С.80-86
10.Ж44045 Chen L. Reproduction of the lost monastic complexes of OSBM [] // Architectural studies, 2018. т.Т. 4,N № 1.-С.25-30
11.Ж41279 Chen L. Crossover of spin Hall to quantum anomalous Hall effect in PbC/MnSe heterostructures [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2020. т.Т. 23,N № 1.-С.13702
12.Ж41279 Chen L. Crossover of spin Hall to quantum anomalous Hall effect in PbC/MnSe heterostructures [] // Condensed Matter Physics, 2020. т.Т. 23,N № 1.-С.13702
13.Ж44045 Chen L. Architectural and artistic features of the entrance portal of the Church in Velykyi Khodachkiv of Ternopil Region [] / L. Chen, N. Yavn // Architectural Studies, 2022. т.Т. 8,N № 1.-С.63-70

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