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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 14
Представлено документи з 1 до 14
1.Ж14166 Brik A. B. Mechanisms of Diffusion in Biominerals and Bone Demineralization at Space Flights [Текст] 20: 5 // Минерал. журн.-С.46-61
2.Ж14166 Brik A. B. Characteristics of phosphate paramagnetic centres in natural apatites, biominerals and their synthetic analogues [Текст] 22: 4 // Минерал. журн.-С.8-18
3.Ж14166 Brik A. B. EPR of the impurity crystal phases in biominerals and their synthetic analogues [Текст] 23: 1 // Минерал. журн.-С.23-37
4.Ж14166 Brik A. Formation mechanisms and dynamic characteristics of free radicals of biominerals as deduced from EPR spectroscopy [Текст] 23: 4 // Минерал. журн.-С.44-55
5.Ж14166 Brik A. B. Formation mechanisms and localization places of CO2- radicals in tooth enamel [Текст] 22: 5-6 // Минерал. журн.-С.57-67
6.Ж14166 Brik A. B. Angular dependences of anomalous signals registered by EPR spectrometer in mineralized biological tissues [Текст] 25: 2-3 // Мінерал. журн.-С.11-21
7.Ж14166 Brik A. B. Anomalous signals registered by EPR spectrometer in nano-scale particles of organic and mineral components of biominerals [Текст]: 5-6 // Минерал. журн.-С.29-39
8.Ж26813 Rosenfeld L. G. New approaches to study of interaction mechanisms of an organic and mineral matter in resorbed implants [Текст]: 1 // Ортопедия, травматология и протезирование.-С.9-16
9.Ж14166 Sukhodub L. F. Properties of hydroxylapatite coatings for biological implants deduced from complementary instrumental methods [Текст] 23: 5-6 // Минерал. журн.-С.65-74
10.Ж23022 Shpak A. P. Properties of nanoscale particles on the basis of metals localized into biological tissues [Текст] 4: 4 // Успехи физики металлов.-С.303-336
11.Ж14166 Grechanovsky A. E. Influence of structure, character of chemical bonding and elastic properties on the radiation stability of silicates, phosphates and metal oxides deduced by computer simulations [Текст] 31: 4 // Мінерал. журн.-С.30-37
12.Ж14166 Shpak A. P. Properties of nanoscale magnetically ordered particles of iron oxides and hydroxides, synthesized by different technologies [Текст] 32: 1 // Мінерал. журн.-С.5-13
13.Ж24320 Red'ko Ya. Investigation of properties of electroconducting nanozones in materials of various nature by the electron paramagnetic resonance method [] // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 2017,N № 3/5.-С.24-30
14.Ж14166 Antonenko T. S. Phase transformation of hematite to magnetite under microwave treatment [] / T. S. Antonenko, A. B. Brik [et al.] // Мінерал. журн, 2021. т.Т. 43,N № 4.-С.11-17

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