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Представлено документи з 1 до 7
1.Ж36641:SD/2001/601 Juhojuntti N.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 2001, №601:Seismic Imaging of deep crustal reflectivity in Sweden and Iceland [Текст] / N. Juhojuntti. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 2001. - 49 p.: ill. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 2001, №601)
2.Ж36641:SD/2001/658 Sundararajan R.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 2001, №658:Simulations of coastal atmospheric dynamics and transport processes [Текст] / R. Sundararajan. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 2001. - 25 p.: ill. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 2001, №658)
3.Ж36641:SD/2000/561 Gunnarsson U.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 2000, №561:Vegetation changes on Swedish mires [Текст] : Effects of raised temperature and increased nitrogen and sulphur influx / U. Gunnarsson. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 2000. - 25 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 2000, №561)
4.Ж36641:SD/1999/427 Zamfir M.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1999, №427:From pattern to process- studies on limestone grassland, with emphasis on the bryophyte-lichen layer and its effect on vascular plants [Текст] / M. Zamfir. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1999. - 55 p.: fig. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1999, №427)
5.Ж36641:SD/1999/431 Samuelsson P.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1999, №431:Boundary-layer structure in flow over a heterogeneous surface [Текст] / P. Samuelsson. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1999. - 40 p.: fig. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1999, №431)
6.Ж36641:SD/1998/340 Dai X.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1998, №340:Small-scale pattern and mobility of plant species in alvar grassland [Текст] / X. Dai. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1998. - 30 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1998, №340)
7.Ж36641:SD/1998/367 Hemborg A. M.Uppsala University Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 1998, №367:Reproductive allocation and costs of reproduction in subarctic herbs. A resource- based perspective [Текст] / A. M. Hemborg. - Uppsala : [б.в.], 1998. - 35 p. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations from the Faculty of science and technology, ISSN 1104-232X ; 1998, №367)

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