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Яссін М. А. 
Культура способу життя учнівської молоді в історії української педагогіки другої половини ХХ століття / М. А. Яссін. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

Дисертація присвячена розв'язуванню актуальної і практично важливої проблеми формування культури способу життя учнівської молоді. Окреслено науково-теоретичні основи формування культури способу життя в контексті цивілізаційного та культурологічного підходів з урахуванням особливостей українського націєтворення. Наголошено, що спосіб життя особистості детермінується комплексом проблем: економічних, соціальних, демографічних, екологічних та інших, що визначає форми самоствердження (позитивні та негативні) особистості. Спосіб життя розглядається як індивідуально-практична характеристика засвоєної культури, яка, у свою чергу, є визначеним еталоном способу життя особистості. Визначено змістову сутність культури способу життя учнівської молоді через уточнення поняття «культура способу життя» як рівня вдосконалення різноманітних сфер людського життя і діяльності, в яких подані гідні умови життя носія (або суб'єкта способу життя), що постійно змінюються, а своєрідним фундаментом ціннісної орієнтації і мотивації поведінки виступають моральні цінності, що апелюють до вільного вибору особистості і підкріпляються внутрішньоособистими формами самоконтролю та самоствердження» та виокремлення інших основних понять (культура, спосіб життя, здоров'я, діяльність, соціальний добробут, здоровий спосіб життя); критерії і показники культури способу життя учнівської молоді.^UThis thesis is dedicated to solving the topical problem of practical importance regarding forming the culture of student youth's way of life. It has been emphasized that Ukrainian culture as a holistic system of humanistic content forms the creative self-awareness of Ukrainians as a nation and a component of world civilization. Culture should be considered in the context of material and spiritual production, inclusion in the sphere of interethnic spiritual synthesis and interaction, an integral component of which is education. This ensures the integrity of cultural development of the nation, state, noosphere. The scientific and theoretical bases of forming the way of life culture in the context of civilization and culturological approaches, including features of the Ukrainian nation-building, have been outlined. The way of life has been considered as an individually-practical characteristic of the acquired culture, which, in its turn, is a certain standard of individual's way of life.The semantic essence of the culture of student youth's lifestyle has been determined by clarifying the concept of "the lifestyle culture" as a level of improvement of various spheres of human life and activity, which presents decent living conditions of the subject of lifestyle. The basis of orientation and behavior motivation are moral values that appeal to the free choice of personality and are supported by intrapersonal forms of self-control and self-affirmation" and the separation of other basic concepts; criteria and indicators of the culture of student youth's lifestyle.Integral indicators of a way of life have been outlined: actions of the subject of activity, culture of the way of life, social well-being. The peculiarities of the national character in its projections have been determined, which specify the special dimension of life, form the way of life and, accordingly, the culture of the way of life in a particular social community.The peculiarities of the formation of the culture of student youth's lifestyle in the second half of the twentieth century in the Soviet (1959-1991; subject-content aspect) and post-Soviet (1991-2002; functional aspect) era with extrapolation of productive experience have been characterized in order to implement it in modern educational institutions (sociocultural and information-communication aspect), which determined the expansion of the upper chronological limit. The first stage is represented by theoretical and practical achievements of Soviet teachers on the formation and maintenance of young people's healthy lifestyle, especially in educational institutions: the innovative system of health care by V. Sukhomlinsky (60-70s); scientific and practical research in the field of population health ("School of Scientific Foundations of Health" (I. Berezin, Y. Dergachev), 80s); I. Brekhman's research (concept of a new scientific direction - valeology, 90s) and others. Created at the Institute of Age Physiology of RAO (Russian Academy of Education) model of systematic integrated work to preserve and strengthen the health of students and teachers in educational institutions provided for the practice of organizing the activities of "schools of health" and consisted of six blocks: system, balance, creating success in education, development in education, complement, partnership. At the second stage, realization of the strategic purpose of education development in Ukraine became the leading activity on formation of culture of student youth's way of life – creation of viable system of continuous training and education, providing opportunities of spiritual self-improvement of the person, formation of intellectual and cultural potential as the highest value of the nation and introducing such an activity to educational institutions that would contribute to the preservation and strengthening of students' and teachers' health by creating an appropriate social and physical environment, purposeful work on the formation of valeological consciousness and a healthy lifestyle.Sociocultural and information-communication aspect of forming a culture of health and the formation of a healthy educational environment involves active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, education of a conscious attitude to their own health and the health of others as the highest social value through cross-sectoral and professional activities of educational institutions. The development of Ukrainian pedagogy in the second half of the twentieth century has been outlined for the first time, particularly in the field of forming a culture of student youth's lifestyle for implementation in educational institutions of Arab countries (in particular, Jordan); recommendations for the rehabilitation of student youth's health have been offered.

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