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Христенко О. М. 
Теоретико-методичні засади розвитку системи цінностей студентів у медичних закладах вищої освіти України (друга половина ХХ – 20-ті рр. ХХІ ст.): автореферат дис. ... д.пед.н. : 13.00.01 / О. М. Христенко. — Б.м., 2023 — укp.

Проаналізовано теоретичні основи проблеми цінностей у вітчизняній педагогіці та педагогіці вищої школи зарубіжних країн. Розроблено авторську періодизацію розвитку системи цінностей студентів у медичних закладах вищої освіти України другої половини ХХ – 20-х рр. ХХІ ст.Виокремлено цінності, репрезентовані у науковій, професійній, просвітницькій спадщині видатних медиків і викладачів медичних закладів вищої освіти України.Схарактеризовано базові цінності у контексті змістової структури виховної роботи з майбутніми медиками в радянський період та в умовах Незалежності України.Проаналізовано особливості форм і методів виховання цінностей студентів у медичних закладах вищої освіти. Здійснено класифікацію базових професійних та індивідуальних цінностей медиків, простежено динаміку розвитку цінностей студентів медичного університету в умовах війни.Обґрунтовано методику формування цінностей майбутніх медиків з урахуванням історико-педагогічного досвіду та відповідно до актуальних викликів сьогодення. Окреслено перспективні напрями виховання студентів у медичних закладах вищої освіти України на аксіологічних засадах.^UThe system of values in the domestic pedagogical discourse has been characterized; the problem of values in the pedagogy of higher education in world countries has been analysed as well. The structure of the concept of values from different perspectives has been defined; the author’s idea of the concepts of values, system of values, value system of the students of higher medical education, values development in the students of higher medical education has been presented. The author’s periodization for value system development in the students of the institutions of higher medical education of Ukraine (second half of the 20th– 20s of the 21st century) has been substantiated; it was developed taking into account geopolitical, cultural-historical, social-medical, scientific-medical, scientific-pedagogical determinants; two conditional periods have been distinguished; corresponding subperiods have been defined within them: the first – Soviet period (1950–1991) with the following sub-periods: institutional-ideological (1950 – early 1960s); community-educational (1960s – early 1970s); scientific-research (1970s – 1980s); the second – national-state period (1991–2020s) with the following sub-periods: legislative-bioethical (1991–2009); conceptual (2009–2014); global-transformational.According to the analysis of the researches in medicine (by M. Pirogov, M. Amosov, T. Yanovskyi, I. Sokolianskyi), it has been established that their scientific, pedagogical and professional heritage contains educational potential for value system development in present-day doctors.The content structure of educational work in the institutions of higher medical education of the Soviet period was studied from the standpoint of an axiological approach, which contained the following components: political-ideological, propaganda, counter-propaganda, philosophical-ethical, atheistic, cultural-art, specialized, social-labour.The content components of the humanitarian training of future doctors in independent Ukraine have been defined as well as corresponding values that should be developed in them: – national (Ukrainian identity, historical experience of the people in development of health care culture (sobriety movement, educational work on hygiene, spiritual health, preparation for motherhood)); – philosophically fundamental (the human as a biological, social and spiritual being, relation between physical, mental and spiritual health, vocation of a doctor as an essential part of the meaning of their life); – spiritual and bioethical (spiritual wealth, honesty, mercy, sympathy, Christian love, service, altruism, moral responsibility of doctors; dignity, safety, health and life of a person (including an unborn child and/or an unborn child with a disability) as the highest values); – charitable (traditions of charitable events of secular and religious non-governmental organizations; respect and mercy for the poor, disadvantaged, people with special educational needs; personal spiritual and moral development through the charity);– human rights (including, inclusive: respect for the human dignity of orphans, persons with special educational needs, implementation of their rights and interests, creation of appropriate environments for effective diagnosis, treatment and medical advice for children with special educational needs, orphans, cooperation with other specialists in different fields and the public for comprehensive support for them; and gender: education for prevention of various violence against children and women; respect for the dignity, safety, health and life of every person regardless of gender (including women and men with disabilities). The method for formation of basic professional values in the students of the institutions of higher medical education has been substantiated, in particular: inclusive (by means of the method of creative pedagogical projects in authentic settings; charitable projects for children of different social groups; bioethical (via preparation and participation of students in educational campaigns for promoting the values of human life, including the unborn child, the culture of health care, medical knowledge in first aid, etc.). It has been established that the educational and informative work of the teachers, in particular the author’s lectures on the role of Ukrainian doctors and nursing staff in the defence of the Motherland is an important internal factor in development of the values in the students of the institutions of higher medical education in case of martial law.

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