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Никитюк В. В. 
Математична модель електричного зонд-сигналу для визначення динаміки стану реставраційного стоматологічного процесу / В. В. Никитюк. — Б.м., 2019 — укp.

У дисертації розв'язано актуальну наукову задачу обґрунтування математичної моделі електричного зонд-сигналу та розроблення методу його опрацювання, сформульованого базуючись на цій моделі, а також використання нових інформативних ознак динаміки стану процесу полімеризації стоматологічних матеріалів в часі.Обґрунтовано нове застосування імпульсного періодично корельованого випадкового процесу як математичної моделі енергетичного зонд-сигналу, яка враховує у своїй структурі поєднання властивостей періодичності із випадковістю. Базуючись на обґрунтованій моделі модифіковано синфазний метод опрацювання енергетичного сигналу, що дає змогу оцінити динаміку стану полімеризації стоматологічного композитного матеріалу з метою визначення оптимального часу експозиції. Установлено, що отримані значення кореляційних компонент, обчислені з допомогою змодифікованого синфазного методу, є інформативними ознаками енергетичного зонд-сигналу та характеризують процес полімеризації і спосіб обчислення оцінки достовірності отриманих результатів.^UThe actual science problem for mathematical model reasoning of electrical zond-signals and working out the method of its processing based on this model has been solved in the thesis, and, as well, utilizing of new informative indicators of the process of a dental materials polymerization dynamics state in time. The object of research is process of electrical zond-signals modelling. The subject of the research is the mathematical model of electrical zond-signals, features and possibilities which it assures during the problem solving of visualization of the process of a dental materials polymerization dynamics state.The dynamics of the process has been described and the peculiarity of the visualization problem of the dynamics state for a process of dental materials polymerization on the base of electrical zond-signals. The main types of light solidification materials that are utilized in restorative stomatology, particularly for the plugs making (photo polymeric (light solidification) materials are most expanded, for which the reaching of certain physical and mechanical parameters during polymerization is a result of radiation with wave length of 380 – 500 nm) have been analyzed. It is necessary to working out a method of mediated assessment and visualization of a dental materials polymerization dynamics state for assurance of certain parameters of dental material and for increasing of radiation harm for oral cavity. The method of dental materials polymerization process visualization bas been offered that is based on the main statements of system-signal concept according to which the performance of a system may be assessed by means of independent processing of a signal that is a result of this system work, and on the base of concept of energy activity that considers as the central an energy active object (a system) that has such features as initiation, activation, catalyzation by specific action of energy carrier. The "energy division" on such energy that is required for support of system activity and on other one that is spent for a creation of a signal about system state and for energy assurance of data carrying about it is a significant in the signal creation. The substantiation of the structure and technical characteristics of the system of selection of electrical probe signals has been carried out. On the basis of a substantiated mathematical model in the form of a pulse PKVP that takes into account in its structure the stochastic interconnection between the various responses of the same series of observations and the substantiation of the informative signals of the signal and the method of their calculation for solving the problems of the operative and reliable detection of the change in the polymerization process. The common-mode method of statistical processing of such signals is considered and new expressions are obtained for the calculation of statistical estimates of their characteristics.The practical value of obtained results of the dissertation research is concluded in the modification of synphase processing method algorithm on the base of reasoned mathematical model of electrical zond-signals, that give possibility to detect informative indicators of a dental material polymerization process for automated control of the exposition time. Obtained practical results are suitable for utilization during the design of dental photopolymer irradiators with the function of automated control of exposition. This is the actual and important, practically useful result of the work that gives possibility to assure the reach of certain characteristics of a polymerization process.

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