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Белименко Л. І. 
Дитячий мюзикл у сучасному українському сценічному мистецтві: автореферат дис. ... к. мист. : 26.00.01 / Л. І. Белименко. — Б.м., 2024 — укp.

Белименко Л. І. Дитячий мюзикл у сучасному українському сценічному мистецтві. – Кваліфікаційна наукова праця на правах рукопису.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата мистецтвознавства зі спеціальності 26.00.01 «Теорія та історія культури». – Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв, Міністерство освіти і науки України, Київ, 2023.У дисертації вперше в українському мистецтвознавстві розглянуто та проаналізовано особливості й тенденції розвитку дитячого мюзиклу в сучасному сценічному мистецтві України; встановлено цілісний комплекс жанрових та художньо-естетичних рис дитячого мюзиклу, визначено його статус у системі музично-театральних жанрів. Досліджено відмінні одна від одної сценічні форми втілення дитячого мюзиклу професійними акторами на сценах музичних, музично-драматичних, драматичних театрів і театрів ляльок, а також колективами аматорських дитячих театрів-студій та продюсерськими агенціями (мюзикл бродвейського формату) – і виявлено варіативність використаних постановчих рішень. У різних форматах дитячого мюзиклу, що лишаються в єдиних жанрових рамках, виявлено особливості сценічної репрезентації, які впливають на його актуалізацію та популяризацію в сучасному сценічному мистецтві України. Ключові слова: дитячий мюзикл, сучасне українське сценічне мистецтво, професійний театр, бродвейський формат, аматорські студії, сюжетна основа, візуальний ряд, видовищність.^UBelymenko L. I. Children's musical in modern Ukrainian stage art. – Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights.Thesis for the degree of candidate of art studies in specialty 26.00.01 Theory and History of Culture. – Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2023.The peculiarities and trends of the development of children's musicals in the Ukrainian modern stage art were considered and analyzed in the dissertation for the first time in Ukrainian art history; a comprehensive set of genre and artistic and aesthetic features of children's musicals is established, and its role in the system of musical and theatrical genres is determined. The distinctiveness of stage representation, which influence its implementation and popularization in the modern stage art of Ukraine, are analyzed, in various formats of children's musicals within the single genre framework.An author's typology of children's musicals presented in the modern stage art of Ukraine is proposed according to: functional purpose (written directly for children; written for adults, the production is carried out with a number of artistic and aesthetic transformations, in accordance with the requirements of the children's audience); the performance cast (the production was performed with the participation of professional adult actors; the production was performed with the participation of a mixed cast - professional adult actors and children participating in theater studios); the format of the production and the specifics of the stage (professional, Broadway-type and amateur); plot basis (literary work, literary tale, folk tale, myths, legends, folk ritual, animated films, original plot); in the form of embodiment (musical-tale, musical-detective, musical in the style of a Broadway show, musical-fantasy, etc.). It was revealed that the key feature of a children's musical of the type defined as professional (the production of a musical is performed on a professional stage by professional directors with the participation of professional actors) is the theatrical aesthetics of modern domestic musical, dramatic, musical-dramatic and puppet theater. The main function implemented by means of musical productions, in addition to entertainment, is epistemological or cognitive. Individual modern children's musicals are unique productions of the domestic musical and poetic theater, which are distinguished by a deep philosophical and aesthetic basis and the mysteriousness of the stage action. They raise relevant problems and questions for the appropriate children's age category, represent socio-cultural and national features in an entertaining form.The research revealed that productions of children's musicals of the Broadway format, which increased in Ukraine in 2010–2020s, are characterized by bright vividness (rich costumes, special effects), saturation with modern multimedia technical techinques (video mapping, vidjing, video art, etc.), focusing on hedonism and entertainment. The overall structure of a children's musical consists of: dramatic lyricism of the storyline, which is generated by the idea of the author of the libretto; the dominance of action, spectacle and emotions over reflection and deep psychology; musicality, which consists in the spectrum of intonations and the rhythmic structure of the plot development; outrageousness and unexpectedness, manifested by means of external expressiveness, in particular, a bright form of staging a stage action.Research and analysis of children's musicals in the productions of amateur children's groups in 2010-2020s allowed to determine the main trends of their development and changes in the aesthetics of musical and dramatic productions for children: appeal in children's musicals to topics aimed at promoting the best qualities in the younger generation; complication of the psychological content of artistic images; expansion of artistic means of expression of all kinds of art – these features all form the specifics of a musical genre (music, drama, choreography, acting skills, performance skills, direction, scenography); expansion of the creative range of performers; increasing technical complexity in the implementation of artistic images; increasing requirements for expressiveness and artistry; enhancing the spectacle of the visual sequence of the production due to the improvement of mise-en-scène, means of plasticity, scenography and special effects.Keywords: children's musical, modern Ukrainian stage art, professional theater, Broadway format, amateur studios, plot basis, visual series, spectacle.

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